You're Their Human Song Bird (Supernatural & Monster Au)

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Request: If it's okay could I request one of a darling who likes to sing and is very good at it being kept as a kind of human songbird to them (Risotto and Melone especially but I'd be curious on the whole crew)

Tw: implied non-con, death of reader, drugging, humiliation,

Father Time Ghiaccio:

     The moment Ghiaccio wakes up, he has to check the work of his "assistants", Decade and Century, to correct any mistakes they might have made in his slumber. Then he is to continue his sacred task of shaping the different streams of time, creating functional alternate realities that won't collide, and erasing any anomaly that endangers the stream.

     Meanwhile you are forced to follow him around and sing him one song every hour, he even gave you an hourglass to carry so you don't forget. Your melodic voice provides him with comfort and helps him remain sane as he continues his life's work. Should you miss a song be prepared to deal with his attitude that follows after.

Grim Reaper Prosciutto:

     It was always pleasant to hear you singing to your heart's content, especially the more morbid songs that painted a beautiful picture of tragedies. Sometimes you'll feel like you're being watched because unbeknownst to you, the reaper is on your trail trying to experience a bit of bliss before he returns to his work.

     Your voice does something to him that he's never experienced before, he wants to know why is your voice unique to him when he's encountered plenty of vocally gifted humans. The moment you're found lurking the streets after passing, he won't take you to your destination. Instead, you'll be forced to accompany the reaper for all eternity of his spouse, singing tunes to lift his dead spirits.

Naga Sorbet & Gelato:

     The sunlight peeked into the hidden cove, shining a light on the two lovers entangled on the soft bed of moss. As they nuzzled against one another to say their good mornings you began to sing a light tune to help them start the day.

     The couple originally planned to keep you as a meal but changed their minds once they heard your sweet songs. You were left starving in the wooden cage since the food they tried to give you wasn't exactly digestible. So you started singing songs to distract yourself from the hunger pains that followed and happened to pique their interest.

     Gelato slithered up to your wooden cage, crossing his arms over his chest while waiting for you to sing his favorite part of the song. After living a life filled with bloodshed and battles, Gelato could use your therapeutic voice to ease his mind.

Fae King Melone (Seelie Court):

     Every court needs a musician and you happen to be a great singer, so why not let his cute little human put on a show for his friends. He couldn't contain the giggles that'd leave his mouth as he watched you dance along to the music. The look of concern on your face was enthralling, you tried to slow down a bit and go back to the center of the room but the faeries of the circle seemed to force you to continue the dance.

     Melone would never let you be harmed by his audience or any member of his council no matter the status. However, he has warned you too many times to stay out of the dance circles, even if you were performing a song you were to be cautious of the dancing fairies. As your voice was drowned out by their laughter and your feet started going numb, Melone finally motioned for them to stop. He's almost positive you've learned to heed his warning next time you join the court.

Shadow Entity Risotto:

     You were a new purpose for the lonely entity, he'd lurk in the shadows following you throughout the day while you remained oblivious. Watching as you'd put hours into your minimum age job and go home to study for an upcoming test for your college classes. It usually left you drained but whenever you opened your mouth to sing your stress away it amazed Risotto. even inspired him to continue his journey of finding his purpose other than dragging humans into the shadow realm.

     Risotto longed to reach out and touch you, wanting to pull you close and sway to the sound of your voice. Each time you sang your songs you struck the chords of his nonexistent heart and made it hard for Risotto to return to his routine. It made him feel connected to you as if he were meant to have you by his side to brighten his bleak life. It's no wonder you're pulled into the realm of darkness, unable to stop Risotto from draining your life to bind you to his side eternally.

Fae King Illuso (Unseelie Court):

     It was always a pleasure to hinder your attempts of pleasing him, for every plan you made to impress Illuso, he formed a plan to humble you. You tried to focus on the sound of the instruments playing softly in the background and ignore the feeling of his eyes on you. Although the room started spinning and your body became fuzzy all over you tried to continue the song.

     If you didn't do well enough to please the court you'd be put through hell for embarrassing Illuso, but he loved to make it difficult. The devilish grin on his face grew wide when he caught the squeaks and soft moans escaped as you tried to play it off. The food he forced into your system left you clenching your thighs and panting like a dog yet he insisted you put on a show for his court.

     It was only a matter of time before you dropped to the floor unable to stop yourself from giving his audience an erotic performance.

Sandman Pesci:

     The timid spirit had taken a liken to you after he stumbled upon you during his journey across the night sky. Tonight Pesci was visiting those with mild insomnia, granting them so well deserved sleep, and stumbled across your mini-performance. You haven't been getting much sleep and tonight wasn't any different but you planned on singing yourself to sleep as a last resort. It didn't do anything for you but Pesci found himself in a trance, head slowly falling as his eyes growing heavy as your voice almost lulls him to sleep.

      Before he could doze off on the gritty golden cloud of sand, Pesci was sure to give you an extra shake of the sleep-inducing sand, after a lovely song like yours, you earned a blissful slumber. Pesci thought about you for the rest of the evening, even when he slipped back into his realm he couldn't forget about your alluring voice. Before he has to get to work he'll prepare a comfortable room for you in his palace where you'll have dreams shaped to your liking, hopefully, you'll sing him to sleep one day.

Satyr Formaggio:

    It wasn't until you finally started coming out of your shell that he heard your hypnotic voice. After snatching you away from your old life, you've been quiet as a mouse whenever he was around. Yet, Formaggio was able to catch you singing as you were sitting in the sunlight hanging the clothes on the line to dry. He was quick to pull out his flute and add depth to your hopeful tune of being happy again. By the time you finished, Formaggio was ready to make some more, sensual music with you.

    For some odd reason, while your voice brings Formaggio delight, it also gives him the urge to bend you over a tree stump and give you another song to sing. Formaggio tries to cool it since you're still apprehensive around him but he can't help it, your pretty voice just does things to him! For your safety, it's best to sing when he isn't around. Other than that, the satyr drags you along to parties just to have you sing for his friends so he can show off his talented lover, but not too much see **Marsyas**, listening to everyone cheer you on and beg for your time.

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