They Don't Love (Want) You Anymore

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Request: Would they kill darling if they didn't want them any more or would they let them go?

Tw: death of reader, torture, victim blaming,

Sorbet & Gelato:

     When they decide you've served your purpose they will either keep you around for something else like being their housekeeper or just as a forever friend depending on how much they like you. Yet, they both can agree that keeping you around like this is getting ridiculous and of course costly since you have your needs as well. They would give you a peaceful death as thanks for entertaining them for as long as you did and they'd keep your prized possession or charm as a reminder of the old flame.


     This is such a weird situation to be in. Pesci has spent months gaslighting you, drugging you, and isolating you all to get you to love him, only for him to lose those passionate feelings. This is the perfect time for him to crawl in a hole and never come out. Pesci will sit you down and apologize for the trauma he caused and take full accountability for his actions. He's not dumb enough to let you go and possibly cause trouble for him. He's going to let you live your life as his roommate free of charge and continue to care for you and buy you anything you may want or need.


     This is a strange situation because even if he falls out of love or doesn't want you romantically anymore Risotto would still care about you. However he can't have you running loose with so much information about him so he'd have no choice but to get rid of you to protect himself. Good news is that you might be given the chance to live in the house he's bought for you since it is secluded, only if you weren't too much of a rebel. Risotto never forgets to visit you twice a week and he always brings groceries or a gift because to lighten your mood.


     Wow, after all those secret cameras, journal entries, and fantasies about being loved by you, Melone really didn't think he'd grow tired of you. Did he overdo it with the constant attention or maybe he fell for the idea of you instead of the real you. Either way this is very upsetting for him, he feels ridiculous. Not wanting to go the killing route, Melone may try and offer you a choice of him paying the bills for your own apartment or paying for a plane ticket far away from him. The two of you can be pen pals or something instead of you being his victim.


     This is so funny to Formaggio because he's done a lot of crazy things to keep you to himself and to get you to love him, or at least pretend that you do. You must feel horrible to know that all your pain and trauma was for nothing! He probably just misread his platonic feelings for you or something but at the end of the day he's had his fun, now it's time to get to work. You can either stick around as his pet (plaything) or you could kick the bucket, the choice is yours. Either way you won't have much of a life afterwards.


     The fact that Ghiaccio invested all his free time and energy into chasing after you, lusting for you only to gain nothing irritates the hell out of him. He drove himself crazy trying to be a worthy husband and trying to make you love him, why isn't he in love with you anymore? Once Ghiaccio settles down and comes to terms with the sick situation at hand, He decides to get rid of you. Ghiaccio won't explain the situation or apologize for putting you through hell, instead he slips you an insane amount of sleeping pills that put you in the grave. For what it's worth, Ghiaccio will miss you though.


     Well this sucks for you because once he does all he can to see if he can save the relationship and finds that nothing works, you're going to be killed. Yeah the times you shared will always have a place in his heart but you should've known this was a possibility. After all Illuso did abduct you, beat you a little, and killed a lot of people to have you as his lover. He won't feel remorse for long because if you think about it, it's not like you wanted him in the first place. You shouldn't have made it easy to part with you.


     Prosciutto is almost ashamed of his actions when he realizes that his feelings aren't there anymore, especially after all the horrible things he's done to you. Sadly, while It's a shame he won't have nothing to show for the work he's done to finally have you obedient and loving, Prosciutto is going to use Grateful Dead to give you a peaceful death. He can't let his feelings get in the way of his work and cause him to make a foolish decision that could come back to bite him.

Doppio & Diavolo:

     Doppio could be tired of you and still be forced to keep you around if Diavolo may still have an interest in you which sucks because he can only love you through Doppio due to his paranoia. Once Diavolo says your time is up, it doesn't matter if Doppio still loves you, it doesn't matter if he wants to make it work, you're going to be killed. Diavolo can't have you threaten his identity or spill any secrets you may have heard, though the chances of you hearing any secrets are extremely low. If Doppio doesn't get on with it and kill you, you're going to get the same bellyache he gave Bruno.


     There isn't much that can save you from joining his snuff collection after his feelings for you vanish. Had he been a different person maybe he would've felt bad for you or even tried to revive the old feelings, but he isn't. The thought of witnessing the betrayal, confusion, and hurt spread across your face as you lay helpless on his table sends chills down his spine. Imagine how beautiful that sight would be, why would he pass up such a great opportunity like this? But I guess if you got along great with Secco and proved to be more than a useless toy, Cioccolata could train you to be a good pet like Secco after messing around in your skull.

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