You're Dating Their Teammate

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Request: How would they react to finding out darling is dating one of their teammates?

Tw: drugging, sexual harassment, blackmail, implied non-con,


     That's not a good enough reason for him to turn off his charismatic ways. There's nothing wrong with a little harmless flirting here and there, maybe even a few bear hugs as well. It's not like he's grabbing your ass or anything. Formaggio will continue sending some lustful gazes your way even when you're sitting next to your boyfriend. Depending on who you're dating he'll be sure to let his crush be known, he'd only back off if you're dating someone he actually respects like Risotto or Ghiaccio.


     When Ghiaccio finally realizes you're dating his teammate he's very bitter about the situation. You could've at least told him you were seeing someone before he wasted his time trying to woo you. Instead of getting in your way, Ghiaccio is going to busy himself or try to focus on his work until his crush fades away. He can remain a platonic relationship although he's still going to find himself dreaming about you.

     Try not to sound as if you're flirting when you talk to him because Ghiaccio will curse you out for playing with his emotions. He already has enough to deal with, don't become a nuisance. You made it clear you didn't see him as more than a friend so drop the act, there's no need to mock him any further.


     He's so annoying when it comes to crushing on you, constantly popping up whenever you're trying to spend some time with your lover. Any time you're at the hideout or come around to see the rest of the team Illuso follows you around like a puppy, whether he admits it or not. No one other than Risotto is stopping Illuso from pulling you into the mirror world and trying to persuade you to give him a chance.

     He's more than ready to slip you a few drugs that'll have you seeing him in a new light, you know blackmail is his best friend. Going the extra mile to get pictures of the both of you in suggestive poses, even placing hickeys on your neck so you and your boo have an argument about him. This could get him jumped by the squad or it can give him the opportunity to date you once your lover leaves you.


     Are you sure you want to date them because that'll make a bad pairing, especially if you have the same zodiac sign. Can't nobody put a stop to his incessant flirting or the casual groping that Melone does. It's not fair that he's supposed to just get over his feelings for you! Risotto gets the worst of it because Melone feels as if his capo always gets an unfair advantage in romance so maybe he should give him this one.

     The gross behavior is unbearable and progressively worsens the more desperate he is for your attention, is definitely going to get beaten by the teammate you're dating. You've caught him hiding in the bathroom waiting for you to be defenseless as you used the toilet. If that didn't make it weird I'm sure waking up to Melone twirling your hair and wearing nothing but his skin sealed the deal.


     He saw the signs before you even started dating them but he didn't want to give up so soon. So when it's official and you announce your relationship to the team Pesci hates that he didn't just let it go, the bitterness of losing his chance makes it hard for him to be around your date. You'll notice him moving around more than usual, it's like he's never comfortable in his seat or fiddling with his clothes.

     For your sake and his, he'll try to get over his feelings for you, even if it means smiling as you flaunt your happiness and listening to the details of your relationship. It doesn't work though the feeling never leaves. Pesci can't stop feeling that he deserved to have you, he randomly drops this on you when you're alone. Not only is it uncomfortable but he starts to guilt you for loving someone else, it's best you steer clear of him until he resolves this.


     The entitlement on this one is atrocious! To think that you owed him a date or your hand in marriage just because he developed feelings for you! When you tell Prosciutto that you've finally started dating and are happy with them he's going to scoff. You knew that he was courting you, you saw the way he treated you compared to the others! It didn't click that he had planned to ask you out?

     Prosciutto doesn't do much to hide his distaste for your horrible decision and he isn't as suave or gentlemanly anymore. Although Prosciutto is giving you a hard time, he's trying to think of the best way to fix your mistake. Since you're caught up with his teammate he's going to have to resort to staging your death or accusing you of being a mole. That way you'll have no choice but to stay hidden away from the others and you'll be forced to do as he tells you.


     There hasn't been a time where Risotto used his title amongst the others for things like a better seat during a movie night or getting the window seat on the train. It's a childish thing to do and makes him look bad. However when Risotto notices that you happen to stir up his emotions and leave him wanting more than a simple greeting or glance he may have to adjust his mindset a tiny bit.

     He doesn't see the harm in sending your lover away on a few more missions to see if there is something more than lust fueling his urge to steal you from his teammate. Come have a few drinks after the meeting so he can tell you how you've improved or give you some advice for your stand. He'll be sure to keep you out too late so he has a reason to make you sleep at his house.

Sorbet & Gelato:

     The others know better than to step to Sorbet and Gelato, they were seen as the more ruthless and uncaring of the group. The only one on the team that can stop these two from doing anything is Risotto Nero, if that is not who you're dating, you are not safe. You'll notice that the two of them often look at you while they whisper to each other, probably assuming they're just talking about your new clothes or something.

     Gelato is the first to approach you on his own while Sorbet is away doing who knows what. Sitting close to you and your date, Gelato casually mentions that he and Sorbet are interested in you, probably romantically. He doesn't dance around the topic or beat around the bush, he stares at your lover waiting to see if they have any questions, comments, or concerns even though he couldn't care less. You're welcome to turn him down but that doesn't put an end to their pursuit.

     Over the next few days they spend their time antagonizing your lover and getting under their skin. Making obscene comments about your body and what they're going to do to you once your lover is sent on a mission, too far to protect you. You're going to be stolen away the second they have free time and forced to sit between them and let Sorbet feed you. They treat you as if they own you even if your date hasn't given up.

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