Darling Cheats On Them

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Request: Darling cheats on them.

Tw: 18+ slight nsfw, death of the reader, domestic abuse, cannibalism, vomiting,


     Formaggio isn't too threatened by emotional cheating because he doesn't think it's a thing, you're more than welcome to chat it up with a friend or go to them for emotional support or whatever. However, if he finds out that you're out kissing and touching on somebody that isn't him, he's going to be pissed. It's like you forgot that you belong to him and that he doesn't like sharing.

     He catches you fucking your old friend after he followed you to see what it is you were doing, you have been declining his calls and ignoring his texts for the past few days. Inviting himself into their home, he followed the chorus of groans and the sound of wet slapping. Coming to an open doorway he catches the sight of you leaning forward with your hands on their chest while you try to ride them.

     "I've seen enough" Formaggio bursts into the room scaring the both of you, dragging you out of the bed without much effort. He isn't wearing a teasing smirk or smiling much at the moment. He looks as if he wants to kill you in cold blood and after catching you having sex with someone else he just might. But that'd be too easy. Instead Formaggio will force you to murder your lover, friend, or whoever they are to prove that you're sorry. He'll even help by reducing their size tremendously, it'll be like killing a dog or lizard.

     You're standing there, naked and confused, not sure what to do and it's only pissing him off. He'll guide you through the process if you need the extra help, but if you don't start maiming them shortly he might just kill the both of you.

Sorbet & Gelato:

     Sorbet the one that caught on to your little games, many things weren't sitting right with him so he did a little digging to see if he was imagining things. He caught you hanging around some random person and has taken pictures of both of you locking lips in public. You must've been dating them behind his and Gelato's back because the cake you left in the kitchen says 'happy three months'. You were with Sorbet and Gelato for a year and a half. There were also plenty of cheesy love letters and poems on your nightstand that weren't from Gelato.

     Rather than causing an electrical fire and burning down your house out of anger, Sorbet leaves to tell Gelato what he's found so they can ruin your life as a couple. They don't act fast, instead, they pretend like they don't know what you're doing once you leave their home. Sorbet continues to cling to your hip but is now being more passive-aggressive than usual, saying it's because he's stressed from working.

     Hacking into your phone they read every message and listen to every call, waiting for the right moment to deal with you. Turns out you and your lover were planning to have sex for the first time, how cute, and they wanted to make it special for you. The day of your special night you entered their house and followed the rose petals to their room. On the bed, in the center of the scattered roses was a graphic photo of your lover. You couldn't recognize their face, their belly was torn open and seemed to be missing some expensive organs.

     "You've certainly been enjoying yourself" Your mouth went dry and you froze in fear. Sorbet throws his arm around your shoulders and takes the picture out of your hand. It's been a while since he harvested organs but the incisions were nearly flawless. He was proud to know he still had it.

     "Did you think we wouldn't catch you?" Gelato tickles your side lightly before bringing his hand to your face to wipe away your tears. He always hated to see you cry even when it was over something small.

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