Pesci Helped Prosciutto's Darling Escape

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Request: Just read the letter ask about prosciutto and I wanted to know, what happens when Prosciutto finds out that Pesci helped his darling escape? Also, the writing for it was ✨amazing✨💖

Author's Note: Thanks~ I try to provide y'all with good content when the inspiration hits 😌✨

Tw: mentions of abuse,

    After you've successfully escaped Prosciutto's home, with plenty of help from Pesci, you were sure to lay low and avoid bringing attention to yourself. Now living in a quaint one bedroom apartment under an alias, there weren't many people in the town but it didn't matter you weren't going to associate with them anyway. While you appreciated the victory you weren't foolish enough to assume Prosciutto would accept your disappearance.

    Coming back to an empty home had pissed him off more than anything, Prosciutto wasn't sad and he wasn't going to sit around sulking. He was determined to drag you back home before you were gone for good. He doesn't suspect that you've had help until he's searching through the few belongings you had and checking the house for clues and finds nothing. There's no shattered glass, locks that've been busted, or even any missing keys. You didn't even steal his second car.

    You couldn't have done this on your own, the second you were free you'd have alerted the community or at least beg the neighbors for help. There weren't even cops arresting for the heinous crimes he committed against you, someone most definitely played a part in your escape. You don't have the funds to get a cab or ride the train and there's no way you'd get into a car with a stranger after the way he's treated you.

    Prosciutto isn't as dumb as you'd hope. The pieces come together within two weeks, and would've been shorter if Risotto didn't assign him to a mission. The only person that could've helped you was his dear Pesci, the kindhearted sap that'd fall for your sob story and was dumb enough to include himself in Prosciutto's personal business. Thankfully Prosciutto knows just what to say to make Pesci tell his fratello everything he needs to know.

    Pesci has coincidentally made sure to hang around Ghiaccio which was a bit telling because he knew that Ghiaccio's stand rendered Prosciutto's useless due to its low temperature. Other than that Pesci was doing pretty good at being inconspicuous, had he not set you free Prosciutto would've been proud of him. That won't stop him from calling his underling over to his now empty home for a one-on-one chat, there's no need to bring the others into the situation.

    Prosciutto doesn't beat around the bush or try to butter Pesci up to get him to spill the location. He sits him down and asks Pesci why he'd go and do something so careless without consulting him first and why he thought to insert himself in his personal life. He's smart enough to refrain from beating Pesci, it'd only encourage Pesci to keep his mouth shut to shield you. That's why he rugs at Pesci's heart strings with the truth.

    Selling Pesci the story of how hard it is to lead a normal life or build a beautiful relationship with a civilian knowing that they'd be in danger because of his mafia ties. Admitting to trapping you inside the home, but only because Prosciutto knew that the boss would have you killed if it meant controlling him. He'll even tell Pesci that he does strike you after you put your hands on him. These aren't lies either, but it's not the complete truth.

    For a second Pesci actually considers revealing your location to Prosciutto, before he gives in so easily he thinks about how tired you always looked and the way you'd shut down whenever Pros returned. He can't bring himself to give you up, not yet at least. So then it's time for Prosciutto to really bring out Pesci's protective side. Did Pesci forget that you were well aware that Prosciutto was a part of La Squadra? That you also know of Risotto Nero, the capo of said squad?

    Now just what does he think will happen once the others find out that you're nowhere to be found and have the ability to leak some confidential information? Prosciutto tells Pesci that if he doesn't find you within the next few days he'd have no choice but to let Risotto know that you're missing. He's most likely going to send Sorbet and Gelato since the both of them are too close to you and Pesci is too weak to bring you in.

    That's all it takes for Pesci to tell Prosciutto everything he needs to know. Pesci really cares for you and while he doesn't approve of the way Prosciutto treats you he'd rather not get you killed for wanting to be free. Pesci asks if he could come along to get you, he doesn't want his words or intentions to be distorted and he wants to apologize for the danger he's put you in. But you know that's not going to be happening any time soon.

    Once you're back home safe and sound, Prosciutto cuts off your connection to the outside world completely. You were given Pesci's company as a reward and the only reason he allowed you to venture outside, accompanied, was to give you a piece of mind. But that doesn't matter anymore, you're not capable of appreciating what you're given and you're definitely not deserving if you took the time to escape him even after he adjusted his ways for you.

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