Surprise and Secrets

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Oliver's POV

    As fast as I can without arousing suspicions I make my way back home, hoping to all the Goddess' there are, even my own spiteful one, that Eve hasn't fucked this up for me.

    I finally reach the door and I breath a sigh of relief before I open the door and find Eve standing there waiting inthe hallway right inside.

     "Evelyn, do explain to me why you've decided to show up to my home unannounced." I tell her, giving her a gf late but it's clear that shes unphased.

     "Because I have a surprise as well as more Oreos." She tells me and I willa skit that her proposal and reasoning is a good one.

     "Well, tell me the surprise." I tell her but she shakes her head at me and loved her hand on her hip.

      "No no. It seems like you have a surprise that you need to tell me. Is that who I think it is in there?" She asks me and I sigh as I raise the book bag to my face as I rub my cold hand down it in mental exhaustion.

     "Yes, however it doesn't really matter." I tell her as I begin walking down the hallway, passing my friend that appears to be in clear distress over my words.

      "What? Why?" She asks me, looking as if she is the one that's going to be left to her own devices once more when she lets go of the one thing she's been waiting to capture for her entire existence.

     Because that's what it was.

     I never felt like living only because there was neither anything to live nor die for and I was only going through the motions as much as I can with some variation of living places. But not only am I alive with blood pumping through my veins, but I have someone to now protect and sleep tags on as much as I can without making him lose his life.

       "Because Evelyn, things aren't as easy for me as they may be to you. You're born with a privilege that I was not allowed and therefore, you don't have the make the same decisions I do." I tell her, not upset but needing her to understand.

      We finally reach the rest of the group and I find Elijah standing in the company of a man that I've never seen before but he's obviously a Vampire. I look to Eve and notice the smitten smile along the shape of her lips and smile to myself.

    Despite my jealously, I am enthralled for my friend who deserves nothing less than happiness after all that she's endured.

    I place the suitcase on the ground alongside the bag and turn towards the man standing to the side, his face serious but his essence seeming to me relaxed and grounded, exactly what Eve needs.

    "Nice to meet you. Oliver." I introduce and he reached out his own hnd and smiles at me, polite and aloof.

     "Steven. This one's Bond." He says and the way he says it with pride makes me appreciate and approve of the man immediately.

     "I sincerely apologize to you then. I can't imagine the turmoil that you must have been going through." I tell him with a sympathetic look and I turn my head to notice Elijah standing off to the side.

     I pick up his things again and nod to Steven before I walk towards the human who looks only a bit put out over now having to share me.

    At least that's what I would like to believe he is upset about.

     "Would you still appreciate a shower and clean clothes?" I ask him and he nods his head and I nod mine in return before calling over my shoulder to my guest though my eyes remain on the smaller man i front of me. "I will return shortly." I tell them before I lead Elijah back towards the bathroom where I found him doing unsolicited things only this morning.

     Once I set his belongings down I show him how everything operates before I loves him to his own devices.

    I close the door respectfully making sure the door is all the way shut this time before I make my way back down the hall, using my speed and when I get there, I find Eve leaning against the counter with Steven standing next to the wall.

    "If I could vex you for showing up to my home unannounced I would. A lot of things could have went wrong." I tell her and she rolls her eyes.

     "You're being dramatic as always, Oliver." She says and I look at her.

     "Apparently I must explain this to you as if you were a child. Being in a relationship whether between Soulmates or otherwise requires for the two to be able to do certain things together. Be able to go out for ice cream, going to the park and other mundane things that other Supers take for granted now that the majority of you no longer have to fear being killed and hunted. Elijah is a human, as much so as he can get and telling him who I am and what I am wound shackle him to the same hidden life that I am bound to and that's would be unfair for me to ask that of him. So I won't." I explain to her and she sighs.

    "I hate it when you make sense." Eve says but doesn't argue against me and to my surprise it's Steven that asks a question that makes me smile sadly.

     "What is it like being an Original?" He asks me, his eyes opens seem curious and I chuckle darkly.

     "The epitome of loneliness."

I don't think these updates will have pictures. I'll fix it in the morning I'm tired.



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