Surprise and Admissions

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Elijah's POV

   I stare at the Vampire in front of me, the pain that had felt suffocating only a moment ago, gone, in the face of the words I thought I would never hear from him.

Before I can answer, he continues, passion burning so brightly the butterscotch seems to catch on fire. It drives a shiver up my spine, the sadness long forgotten as I thank every Goddess there may be that he didn't let me push him away. He didn't let me overthink my way out of it like I always do.

Because like he said, we were made for each other.

"I don't expect for us to jump straight into saying vows and becoming inseparable, but I want to Bond with you, my dearest Elijah. I want to be human so I may slowly age with you over years of love and happiness. I don't expect love, nor marriage, nor even for you to claim yourself as mine to the public, but if I were able to do that with you, I may be the happiest may that had ever walked the earth." His voice is soft, rain falling against it, and I watch in tears eyes awe as his voice gets thick, crowded with emotions.

It takes me a minute to catch the words flying around my head, and I open my mouth without thinking, a habit I need to fix as soon as I can.

"You're willing to become the very thing you despise and hate, to be with me?" I ask him, skepticism ingrained in my voice, weary of trusting something that sounds too good to be true. And things usually are.

"I don't hate humans, I hate the ignorance and hate that they can spread and cause, falling to the mortal sins, but placing the blame on everyone around them. But I don't hate you all on principle. For if I did, I would be blinded to absolutely enthralling this particular human is." I snort at the compliment even as a blush travels up my face towards my ears.

"I... I would like that." I tell him, shyly in my end as I try to figure out what just happened, but all thoughts fly from my mind when I see the pure excitement that falls across his face from those simple words.

Words he wasn't sure he would ever hear in his life.

I reach out and grab Oliver's hand, pulling him towards me until he finally gets the hint to sit on the mattress beside me, and I turn my head to meet his eyes with mine, even as they shine with tears.

"I don't know the first thing about teaching a Vampire to be human." I explain and there's a chuckle before he reaches for me, pulling me into his chest before falling back down to his knees before me, his lithe body sliding forward to be shadowed by my own.

"I like it down here. It feels nice to look up and see the face of someone you care for rather than looking for someone to grant you all the wishes in the world. I no longer want. I am content now." He tells me softly, and for a moment we just soak in each other company, and I allow his hand to come up to rest against my leg, the heat of his hand driving me wild, just as it seems to do for him.

The firm grasp on my leg only stays for a moment, before he's sliding it back into his own lap, melted honey mixed into butterscotch as he looks up at me.

"You look shocked." He observed after a few minutes of us just watching each other.

I frown as I think about it before answering, the lines smoothing away at the answer. "My whole life I've been avoiding relationships because something told me that there was someone special that I was going to meet that would be perfect for me. And even though everyone though I was crazy I believe that feeling. It feels nice to know that I didn't accidentally push away the one I was waiting for. It's nice to know that you were sitting here waiting all along." I tell him, thinking back to that feeling of insecurity and fear that used to be so common and potent.

"What an odd pairing we will surely seem to people once we emerge." Oliver observes and it makes me laugh before shrugging and looking down at the Vampire in awe.

"It won't matter. We probably won't even notice." I tell him, and his amused smile darkens into a look of need that seems to resonate between my legs, my cock starting to wake up in the face of his hungry look for me.

"When I first saw you, I thought that you were plain and mundane from a distance. But the more I'm granted permission to gaze upon your features, and witness the bliss across your face, the more I realize just how wrong I was." He confesses, a splatter of blush tracking across his cheek, and it makes me laugh a little breathlessly.

Our eyes seem to speak to each other as we watch one another, need and intimacy flowing between us making me shift in my seat, uncomfortable as my dick flexes again my leg, the jean material rough.

My breathing stumbles as the staring goes on, and his hands flex in front of him and he stops himself from reaching over to touch me, even as I'm secretly begging for him to do it. And as Oliver begins to stand up, my breathing halts as I brace myself for whatever there is to come. My heart and body so in tuned, my lips turned upward, and happy as I've ever been as Oliver looks down at me.

Guys this book will literally be done in six more chapters. I'm not going to do the smut scene, because this book isn't about the sexual attraction but love. And I want this to be realistic.



QOTD: Do you like mangos?

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