Irritation and Snow

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Oliver's POV

I sigh as I walk the sun arise from the hills behind my house. I had been trying to make myself fall into slumber through the night, hoping to train my body against being nocturnal.

The results are absent so far.

As the sun makes its appearance across the bleak sky, I can tell that the storm is going to get bad today. Not that I have anything to attend to. But the option for good weather is still missed.

As I feel my eyes begin to droop as the day only begins, I force myself up and awake, swinging my legs over the side of the bed.

Perhaps of I was not so lonely, I wouldn't find spending all day in this mansion so lonely. Nonetheless, as an Original, I have no other option but to be lovely unless I wished to be an idiot and go out in the world. They would be able to tell I wasn't human right away. Any Supernatural would be able to tell what I am, and that would only lead to questioning that I don't need in my life. Along with the nuisances that we call humans trying to come and kill me.

Wretched pests is what they are.

Which is why I am attempting to change my habits in order to fit in a bit more with my brethren. The Chosens. The Abominations. Though they prefer the term, the Blessed. Those who know their history. Most chose to live their lives oblivious to their pasts or anything outside of themselves. Selfish creatures really.

All while those of us that aren't born with the snow white hair and pale eyes have to live in the shadows to protect ourselves. And other Supernaturals.

It's easier to forget about us, however, when they can't see us.

If it were up to me, I would own my own university or library and live out my days as I pleased, waiting and searching for my Bond.

But alas, the world is unfair, much more so than many believe, and I'm damned to wait for the love of my life to somehow stumble their way on to my house that's half hidden in the bloody forrest in the middle of no where.

Granted choosing my house in such a spot wasn't the best plan in the scheme of romance, but I would rather be safe than to be sorry for choosing where I live. Though ironically, most days, I find myself wishing I was more bold and less carefree like some of my brothers and sisters. Though I'm starting to think the problem is, I don't like people enough to truly make an effort to fit in.

I remember many lifetimes ago when all Supers thought the same. Now it's not only the werecreatures that have turns into lap dogs.

It's all despicable and dreadful if you ask me, though there is no one to do so.

I walk through the cold hallways of my small castle, peering out the window at the skies around me. Letting my eyesight sharpen I begin to see snowflakes fall from the darkens sky making my lips curl in disgust. After so many wins of living and wishing to be dead, you would think I would be used to the soggy mess that everyone adores. But all it does is make it colder, melt everywhere and lead to damage I have to fix myself.

I had a Maid that came through every month about five years ago, that was until a blood tru k from a hospital broke down on the high way next to my home.

Now instead of needing someone to feed on for a week every month, I simple enjoy little cups of blood form the packaging stored away in my basement. The uncultured and unflavored ones would attest that all blood is the same, but I have a preference of O Negative. I finally reach my living room after taking the long way, only to kill a little time, and attempt to find something to do.

I think of turning on the television thing one of my only friends bought me a few months ago, but the bright colors and annoying voices only give me headache. She called them cartoons. I told her it was an overpriced migraine.

Typically I would grab one of my cars, my collection ranging from the classics to one fork five years ago, and go for a ride. But looking out at the flurry that's quickly turning into something treacherous, I opt to stay inside. Not truly for my own safety since snow storms are the best time to stay hidden, but rather because humans are blind tasteless bats that can't do anything other than cry. If I attempted to drive how I wanted I would surely leave a trail of confused and slow bodies littered behind me.

Evelyn can not call me selfish now.

I selflessly decided to save a few lives today and for that she would be proud.

Since I'm truly bored, I resolve to go into the fridge and cabinet, some things I had only recently stopped using for decorations, and go to try a snack that Eve told me I should try.

Not ready to ruin any sliver of good mood I have, I go with cookies that are in blue packaging that are named 'Oreos'. A strange named but Eve swore to me that they were one of her favorite human foods, and since I have nothing better to do, I may as well give them a go.

Grabbing the package I settle myself by leaning against the counter and open it, revealing a sleeve of what I assume to be chocolate vanilla cookies. Making a face at the dry appearing cookie, I decide to brave it and bite one timidly.

To my surprise, the snack is actually quite soft and delicious, though something is telling me a glass of that cold white liquid, I believe they call milk, would go with it beautifully. Finally with something to do, I take my new favorite food and go back into the living room to lounge and relax, trying to keep my eyes awake and get used to the sun and light in the world.

Ollie is so elegant and sexy. Oh I can tell that he's going to be a fan favorite. Oh I have such good contact coming for you guys from Chan to Zay to Jonah to Oliver. It's going to be great this week and I hope you're excited.



QOTD: Carnival or beach?

When Secrets Run Out Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora