Breakdowns and Findings

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Elijah's POV

It's only been ten minuets and I wish I never left the comfort of my own bed. The storm didn't seem that bad when I started driving away from my home but it's like ever few minutes it's gets worse and worse.

My vision is so bad for a second, I though my glasses fell off. If I was closer to the city, I could pull over and maybe walk there but no, I had to buy a house that's a thirty minute siege of nothing and nada between here and the city. I was going for the quiet town, cottage type and now, I'll be lucky to get out of hear alive.

Not exactly thoughts I should be thinking as I'm driving down a highway, but my thoughts nonetheless.

The only thing I can say for myself at the moment is that I have gas in my car. I ate all my snacks in the first three moments and my bag of clothes are in the trunk.

This is the beginning to every new article I've ever heard of when it comes to snow storms. And of course I would be the idiot that falls into such a stupid statistic. I feel the car begin to jerk form side to side in my grasp, the ice on the road making it hard to keep the car steady, but I try my hardest, both hands holding on tightly to the wheel.

And as I continue driving on the road that doesn't seem to working in my favor, I pray to very God and Goddess I can think of, mine or not, species or not, that I get out of this satiation as best I can.

But of course, just like everyone else, the deities must be taking a snow day and what happens next happens so fast, time seems to slow down.

The car wasn't actually riding that bad when suddenly, I hit a bump in the road that wasn't there when I was watching the road like a hawk. The car jumped up and when it comes back down, it lasts on a piece of ice. And that's the last thing I can make sense of before my car is pinning out of control, my head banging to the right as I try to hold on to the wheel.

The back wheels glide against something until the side of the car slams into a group of trees.

I sit there in the car, stunned as I try to blink away the dust that came out it no where. But when I lean back I see that it actually came from the airbag that was sealed inside my steering wheel. Turning my head, I feel my neck ache and hot white pain shoots up my neck at the feeling making me whimper.

I can't hear around me either, a ringing going on in both of my ears at the suddenness of the crash.

One moment everything was okay, the next, it was shit and now I'm stranded in the middle of no where with no food, no water and no one on the roads until the snow melts a little. And with the way it's falling it could be days. The thought makes me gulp and I let my head rest against my window looking out the passenger seat one, the only thing in the car that appears to be unbroken.

But as I look, my gaze unfocusing until it snags on something, I see smoke coming from somewhere in the trees and when I squint, I can see the top of a chimney peaking out form over the tree line and I sigh in instant relief.

Now, all I have to do is make it to that house and hope it's not an axe murder waiting for prey to wander into his forrest. Or hope it's not some crazy old man that's going to tell me stories about when he was a boy. I would much rather stay in the car.

Groaning, I am able to pull my legs from beneath my side of the car and crawl into the passenger seat. My pants are covered in tears and my legs in bruises but I'm alive and that's the best thing I have going for me at the moment. I grab my big coat form the back seat, suddenly glad that I left it in the car when I got home yesterday. I can feel the warm leaving the car but I know it's going to be a lot colder once I leave it.

I pull my arms through the sleeves of the coat and pull it on to me and I zip it up. Looking around my car in dismay and knowing I'll have to leave everything if I don't want it to slow me down, I open the door and I'm hit with a blast of freezing cold air.

Since there's no going back now with the cold air and snow in my car, I close it back and tuck my chin and hands into my coat before I'm off.

And of course the house that I saw form my car has to be a lot further away than I thought. Just when I think I made a wrong turn or that I'll never be able to find it, I find myself at the bottom of a tiny hill and that the top is an old fashioned mini castle. So old, it shouldn't even be furnished, much less used.

But with the promise of warmth and food, I keep going, hoping to get out of this storm.

Ahhhh!!! Guys they're finally about to meet. Okay I really wanted them to but I think I'm done for the day. I am trying to be proud of myself though. I did 7 chapters of Chan's book, 2 teaser chapters, 2 LG chapters and this 1 chapter plus the extra.

I'm probably going to make some book covers for my other page to help calm my adhd down before I gts at 11. thanks for you guys support. I love you!



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