Snooping and Visits

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Elijah's POV

    Once Oliver leaves and he disappears from sight, I turn around with a frown as I realize that I don't have anything else to do but wait for him to come back.

    I walk towards the kitchen, picking up a glass wife of toast before I sigh and look around me.

    If only I could tell Oliver the strange feelings inside my heart without freaking him out so hard that he kicks me out into the snow storm- or worse we sit in awkward silence together for the next few days.

     After eating a few more bites of food and deciding that I don't want it anymore, I leave the kitchen and decide to go back to the library to do some more exploring. 

    On the way there I look at some of the painting along the wall, all of them beautiful oil paintings of different times, all beautiful but oddly sad.

     Looking at them all makes me want to sit down and stare at them and figure out what kind of story that it's trying to tell me. Art is my second favorite hobby, unlike some books, art is always up to your own views and perceptions and the views could change from the different times you see it.

     And form of art whether writing or drawling or charcoal are all beautiful and I love them all.

     I love on from the lengthy beautiful hallway and make my way towards the other wing of the castle rhat has the beautiful home library. I find the majestic doors and push them open to reveal the large room and find the light switch to flick it on.

     I toma around the room and bring my finger tips against the second half of books that I missed yesterday.

     The spines of these books are more work down and rough that the fiction novels that I saw yesterday. These are old and crumbled, the edges torn and broken and it makes me want to pick one up and smell it and get lost in the pages that may have been forgotten about by so many people.

     Grabbing one from the shelf in front of me, I pull it off of the shelf and I realize that it's an older diary.

     The binding is old and when I go to open the book, it cracks a little bit but stays together and I frown to myself as I turn it to look at, and find no name or anything written on front just a year that dates back two hundred years ago.

     I feel very curious and I take the book with me out of the room, happy to have found a cool read and turn off the lights, closing the door behind me as I hum to myself and make my way down the hall. Once I get back to Oliver's bedroom I place the book on the table next to the fire that has yet to go out while Imm around.

     I hear a noise form the front of the house and i frown to myself as I wonder just how much time I spent in the library for Oliver to be back already.

     With careful steps I make my way towards the kitchen, happy to finally have the chance to get a warm shower and get into some clean clothes but when I get to the living room, instead of Oliver I find two people standing in front of me, both of them with white hair, the girl with a bag of what seems like food in her hand as she turns towards me and daisies her brows.

      "Oh. Uh, hello." She says in surprise and the man beside her smirks and whispers soemthing in her ear that makes her roll her eyes. "Where's Oliver?" She asks me but I can't answer her.

      Both of the people in front of me are majestic and beautiful, their skin an almost flawless porcelain, smooth and pale as they stand in front of me with a stillness that's chilling. They both have white hair and their cold light eyes make me shiver as I realize who or what I'm looking at. "You're Vampires." I whisper and the woman laughs.

     "Oh! I'm sorry. Yes, I'm Evelyn. This is my Bond Steve." She introduces and she stares at me expectedly and it takes me a minute that she's probably wondering who I am as well.

     "I'm Elijah. I found this place after my car crashed in the storm yesterday." I tell her and her eyes raise in shock.

      "You're very lucky to have found Oliver then." She tells me and I blush slightly before I nod in agreement. "Do you know where he is?" She asks me and I nod again before I go to askers her, feeling completely out of my element and very very stupid.

       "He went to my car to get my stuff. I don't know how long until hes back." I tell her and she nods her head before shaking the bag in front of her.

      "Well I brought some food for Oliver. Well it's really just one food. He wanted to try different kinds of Oreos." She tells me and I frown and told my head.

      "He's never had oreos? That's weird, they're the best." I tell her and she cringes a little bit before it's gone so fast I think I made it up.

      "He's not one for sweets so I'm slowly converting him." She tells me and I laugh a bit at the idea of Oliver only eating 'normal' food and tasting the goodness of Oreos. Before we can aya anything else, there's noise at the door and Evelyn smiles.

     "That was fast." I say and she winks at me before she turns to go greet Oliver at the door.



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