Awe and Staring

846 62 26

Elijah's POV

Oliver slides his hand into mine, and I would swear on a stack of books, my hand just got a million soft sparks shot into them.

I may been addicted to reading but there is no doubt in my mind that this man is the one I've been waiting for for years. The one that has been on my mind when all the other men tried to have sex with me and date me and I turned them away.

I found him hidden away in a forest as if fate had a hand in the crash.

This is crazy.

I'm crazy.

But I know I'm right.

Oliver clears his throat and with a jump I realize that I'm still holding on to his hand making me snatch mine away with a red face as his lips twitch in what I assume is amusement.

"You appear to still be shaking. Did you want to go warm up?" He asks me and he has this strange accent and an older style of talking, and while I might find it weird on someone else, he fits it so well it makes me want to scream and drool.

And then my brain catches on to what he says and my face flares red at looking so stupid in front of the man that I plan on marrying in the near future.

I didn't notice until he said it, but I find myself shivering harshly even if it's warm in the hallway by the door. My teeth chatter as I answer the fine man it it makes my cheeks burn up. "Uh yes thank you." I tell him and he nods as he begin leading the way from the front door.

Unable to stop myself, I find my eyes following the way he moves, his body moving like liquid as he glide across the floor.

Between him and the dark regal look of the mansion that looks nothing like it does on the outside, I'm stuck in a state of pure awe. And I'm so lost in admiring everything about this man that it makes me jump when his smooth voice breaks the silence.

"May I ask why you were driving in such horrid weather?" Oliver asks and I feel my cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

"I had people that I was going to visit and I had a plan to catch. I was running late this morning." I tell him, my voice a bit shier than usual in the face of such a strong and solid looking man.

"Have you spoken with them to disclose that you won't be arriving on time?" He asks me and I curse as I go to look for my phone in my coat. Luckily it's in the front pocket, but just my luck, it's dead or broken because of the crash but I'm trying to stay optimistic. "You can use my telephone after we get you warmed properly."

"Where are you from?" I blurt out and I want to being my head against the wall and the amount of embarrassment I am showing Oliver.

If I want this man to be who I think he is, then I need to stop being so all over the place. But I feel so flustered being me when he's starting there with his honey eyes and dark hair. He is the age old version of perfection and I'm here looking like rat.

Not very attractive.

And while I feel stupid for asking him the question I did, he seems to be unphased by it as if he's used to getting it all the time.

"I've lived here for a long time but I first came from England. It's been years since I've been there." He tells me and he just keeps getting more and more perfect. But I have to pushy when thoughts aside as he leads me up the stairs and to a room on the left that he opens revealing a dark bed room with a fire in the corner.

"Whoa." I whisper to myself and I must have been louder than I thought because Oliver laughs at me quietly while shaking his head.

"I've never given though to how grand this place is after loving in it for so long. I guess it is a bit 'whoa'." He says and I nod. He leads me over to a small chair sitting in front of the fire and I can feel my body begin to want up the closer I step to it before being sat in the chair.
"Get a bit warmed and here is my device to call your friend. I will return with something for you to eat." He says giving me his phone.

Our fingers touch as he set it in my hand and I can feel myself blushing as his honey eyes connect with mine before he turns away and walks out of the door.


If I had to chose anywhere to be stranded, this is definitely the best place to be.

I smile to myself as I type i. my best friends number and think about the perfect man named Oliver. They are so cute together. Okay nap time.



QOTD: What color are your eyes?

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