Snow and Thinking

678 49 4

Unedited at work

Oliver's POV

    Once I've grabbed my snow coat that I've gathered from the closet for show, I pull the garment on to my body before I walk out of the door, closing it behind me snuggly.

    I begin making my way towards the highway, walking at normal speed due to the sense of knowing that Elijah is peering at me through a window as I attempt to go rescue his garments from his car.

     The outside air is cold and daunting however, the fresh air is satisfying if nothing else.

    From the way Elijah had been calling my name as he pleasured himself, his hands pleasing his body in a fashion that I would have loved to have done myself, I can tell that he's beginning to feel the effects of our Bond. The idea is none other than simply terrifying.

    Because while the man is surely more than willing to spend time with me and have sexual pleasure, there is still no promises from him that he would want anything more. I am a Vampire that loves by myself in the middle of the woods during an era that I don't quite understand. Elijah has already admitted to having quite a life outside of this snow storm, and it would be awfully selfish of me to ask him to give that up for me. 

      I sigh to myself as I try to evaluate the situation in hand, the choose seeming so few and extreme for the choice to be easy.

      As I get further away from my seemingly empty castle I gradually begin to shift my
speed into a faster gait so that I don't have to spend the next hour or so within the confines of the snow storm that only seems to be getting worse through the constrains of time.

      Once I am sure rhat I am hidden from the possible view of a naked eye, I kick in my speed and race through the snow, purposely dragging my feet through the fallen dust to make a spray of wet snow behind me, the image beyond satisfaction. Once I've pacified my childish urge, I pick my feet feet and run towards the car, taking my time and the long way to delight in the soothing manner that comes with being out of the house after so long.

     I arrive at Elijas car and I love around, seeing that half of the vehicle is hurried is half frozen ice. I treat towards the drivers side of the car and luckily find that the door is broken, allowing me a good tug that unhunges the door form the ice gluing it to the frame.

    Reaching inside the car, U grab a small book bag from the back seat as well as a book that seems to have tumbled on to the floor of the passenger side.

     After I'm sure I've gotten everything needed, I round the car to the back, dusting off the car of the heavy snow and other frozen precipitation. After I struggle with the frozen truck for a few second Imm able to pop it open to reveal a blather suitcase in the back. Unzipping it, I find enough room to place the extra book inside before pulling the book bag across my back.

      After its secure, I grab the suitcase and hold it by the strap on it's side before I take a breathe of cold air and head back in the direction of my home.

    This time I' careful not to go too fast, knowing that the speed of my gait can cause the poor suitcase to come aparta g the seams, causing all of the clothes inside to be strewn around the white clear clearing of the forest.

    As I travel, I try my hardest to come up with some sort of plan to figure out how this visit from Elijad will go, especially with my impending Monthlt sitting in the bórica on threatening to arrive in a weeks time. Due to the snow already accumulated around the ground as well as the glare still drifting from the sky, U highly doubt that he will be able to leave beforehand.

   And if I'm being completely truthful to myself, I wish for him to remain here as long as he can, so in the event that he doesn't plan on seeing me again, I at least have a few weeks of memories to hold close and dear to my heart.

    The sun begin gleaming down on to the white wonderland around me, the brightness blinding me for only a moment before my eyes adjust.

     I finally come i've the last hill that puts me back in sights of the castle and a few things hit me at once. The first thing I realize is how absolutely dull it was to leave Elijas in my house unsupervised when I have Peter and many other things to indicate that I am not who I claim to be.

    The other two things rhat hit me simultaneously s the smell of Evelyn, the fact of her vista having slipped my mind this morning when the sound of Elijah's moans filled my head instead and an unfamiliar smell that lodges itself in my nose.

     Unable to speed up in case the human is still watching our for me, my jaw clenched together with a mix of nerves as well as irritation, hoping that for all of our sakes, rhat Elijah is still oblivious to the striking fact of who I am.


i'll fix this later

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