Sleeping and Watching

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Peter us the size of your forearm but this is what he looks like.

Oliver's POV

I watch in amusement and slight adoration as Elijah begins to nod off reading the storybook that settled snuggly in his lap.

Around an hour ago, he had begun yawning but when I offered that the two of us should retire for the night, he refused and stated that he wasn't sleepy. And yet here we are, the young man slipping into the sandman's hold as he vainly attempts to keep his head from falling into the crook of my shoulder.

I look on in hesitance not sure what to do, however when it seems like he's going to dip the wrong direction and hit his head, I'm quick to grab him softly and plant his head on my shoulder, his nose skimming the soft flesh of my neck.

His shuffles closer to me and the action causes his breath to fan enticingly on my throat making me blush and wonder why my Mistress believes that I have so much self control.

After a few moments and the human hasn't awaken, I take matters into my own hands and gently pry the book form his grasp, placing it on the table right beside my chair softly. Once the object is out of harms way, I lift Elijah into my hold, his weight almost comparable to feathers with my strength and he shuffles softly in my hold to get comfortable.

My stride is even and calm as I walk away from the library making my way towards the entrance of the other space. I take one of my hands form beneath my Bond and turn off the light, the room dressing in instant darkness.

Pushing open the door, I emerge into the dark hallway, the lack of lighting doing nothing to deter my gait as I walk down the hallway back in the direction of my room.

When I get there, the fireplace is still burning low and with my eyes I'm able to spot Peter down on the floor, curled up in front of the burning hearth. Not nothing to tell the spoiled reptile to move, I instead walk Elijah over to my large bed that takes the spotlight in the middle of my room.

I lay the man down, his head falling softly on to the pillows as pull a blanket from the end of the bed and fluff it out, covering the human on the comforting item.

After I'm confident in his content appearance, I step away from the bed and then instead towards the door, knowing that I will be unable to find any remnants of sleep with the delectable being around. His soft curls frame his pale face softly and if I remember correctly, his glasses will make the event of sleepy quite uncomfortable. Unable to help myself, I walk back toward the bed and steal away the fragile frames, taking them from around Elijah's small face, his lips opening to part slightly as I'm bent over his sleeping figure.

I frown as I feel urge to pull the man closer to be attempts to take root and instead, pull away from him, turning on my heel as I gesture for Peter to follow which he does with a sigh, a puff of smoke exiting his nose in annoyance that I ignore.

I take a peak behind me, staring at the small delicate man before I shut the door, blocking my own line of sight.

I don't move for a moment, trying to convince myself to walk away and discover any other activity in this grand place that will distract me form the inticing scent wafting from my bedroom door.

I shake my head and let go of the knob, though I notice there's a bit of a dent in it from me squeezing it a tad bit tightly.

I had never figured that the act of finding my significant other would cause so much stress and vex to my life.

If I'm being completely transparent, I can't say that I necessarily thought ahead as to what my soulmate would appear like nor the species but rather I was so blinded by the idea of just being alive and not being so lonely throughout time.

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