Knocking and Strangers

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Elijah's POV

      Right when I'm about a couple hundred feet from the place that could save my life, I trip over a twig that's buried in the snow and I fall in to my hands and knees as tears fall in to my cheeks and freeze.

     My fingers are cold and burning in the snow as they support me form face planting in it. My legs are tired and sore from walking for what seems like hours in the heavy tall snow that makes it hard to pick up my legs and take a few more steps.

      Even though the house is only a couple hundred feet away, I find myself thinking about if I should just curl up here on the forest floor full of snow and just take a nap.

      Naps are good.

      I like naps a lot.

      And just when I'm so close to giving up, it's light I feel a surge of energy go through me as if telling me to get up. I pause to myself because it feels almost like the feeling that I've been waiting for all my life.

      But with foggy glasses that are sleeping down my nose and a concussion surely on the way, I'm sure I'm just starting to go crazy.

      So with the last little bit of my strength left, I push myself off of the ground, though I wobble a bit I'm able to get a standing in my feet making me breath a sigh of relief.

      I slowly begin making my way closer to the older looking mansion that's covered in snow. Though a gate still stands, the wall that's surrounds it is broke in pieces and there's a spot wide enough for me to slip through.

      This looks like a mansion from one of those books I love to read. The one fantasy series where the supernatural falls in love with a human and they live happily ever after.

     But with the way things are looking for me at the moments, I don't know if I will get mine.

     I circle around the building and the simplistic beauty in it makes me gap in awe and forget about how cold I am for a few minutes.

     There's a garden that's covered in snow but even so you can tell how pretty it is. The more I'm here the more I believe that I walked out of the real world and straight into a fairytale where wishes and dreams actually come true.

     And this is why my friends say I have a reading problem. Even in the face of death and starvation, I'm staring at an old mansion that probably houses a killer, thinking about books. I may or may not have an issue.

    I walk around the side of the building and I see the front door. Surprisingly it's still in tact and actually looks relatively new unlike berthing else that's around here. I find myself hesitating a few steps away form the porch. Even though I'm in the middle of no where with no where to go and no food to eat because I'm a fat ass, I also don't want to get murdered.

     I find myself stalling as I try to figure out what I can do but before I can even give any further thought into it, there's a loud crash of thunder that's heard over head.
      And suddenly my decision seems so obvious.

       With light foot steps, I climb on to the porch and walk to the door. I go to knock but to my surprise there's a doorbell to the right side of the frame. I shiver harder in my coat as the ind picks up and I push my finger forward to ring the bell. The sound it a lot louder than I expected and I jump at the grand music bounces throughout the house and even beyond me to the woods as it plays out.

      I stand there in front of the door and fidget, hoping that someone is home, but also hoping that there isn't so I could just break in and steal some food and blankets and be on my merry way.

     There's still no response and my hopes are starting to rise when suddenly, I hear the lock on the door click and I want to run away screaming bloody murder. Not that anyone would hear me.

     Of course I would be the fucking idiot not to check the weather on the day I'm sipped ti be leaving for liter paradise.

      I hold my breath at the door gets open and once it reveals the stranger behind the door, I forget to breath. As the door opens it's reveals a man with a button down black shirt and dark slacks, socks to match his outfit. He has the strangest eyes, a mix between brown and gold that reminds me of pure honey. This hair is curled and some of it falls into his eyes and I know.

     This is it.

      I feel a shiver race down my spine as I stare that the perfect man and in my head I'm jumping for joy as the outside me just stares and stares. If it wasn't so cold and I thought it would freeze, I would be drooling.

    His gaze is caught on mine and in the back of them I can see the flicker of some emotion but it's so far away I can't tell what it is.

    Thunder claps again and I jump as I clear my throat and open my mouth. "Hi. My car broke down."

Yesss guys it's finally here! They met!!!! I'm so happy that they are in front of each other now. What do you think Ollie is gonna do? What do you think he's going to say?



QOTD: Pineapple or Mango

When Secrets Run Out حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن