Chapter 15

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*Beth's POV*

"I'd love to meet Mingus!" I pactically yelled so the whole plane could hear. "I have a feeling he's gonna really like you" Wow I can't believe he's asked me to meet his son! I was worried though. Norman had always been extremely close with his son. If Mingus doesn't like me maybe Norman would leave me.

I slept for the rest of the flight. I really wanted to stay up and talk with Norman as we wouldn't be seeing much of him but I was so damn tired.

*Norman's POV*

I watched Beth sleep on me and played with strands of her hair. She was so beautiful. I'd have to wake her up in a minute because we would be landing soon. I didn't want us to go back to normal after this. We have so much fun together, she makes me so happy. When I'm not with her all I think about is the next time I'm going to see her. I kisses her temple and gave her a small nudge. "Babe you need to get up, we're landing now" She opened her eyes and looked up at me. I kissed her nose and she scrunched it up "I don't want to leave you" she hugged me. "We have the rest of the day to spend with each other" I reasured her. "Yeh but after that, I don't want to go back to work or anything, I just want to be with you" this girl was too cute. I pulled her close in a tight hug and whipspered "you'll always be with me baby, don't worry"

After the plane landed and we got our bags we took a cab back to our apartment buildings. We went in the elevator after greeting the doorman. The ride up to our apartments wad quite. It's not that is was awkward or anything. We just didn't want to say goodbye. We reached the top floor and stepped out to walk to our seperate apartments. We stopped outside hers and she rumbled around in her bag trying to find her keys. She pulled them out and turned to face the door. She was being so slow, there was something bothering her. "Babe what's up?" She turned and flung her arms around me and burried her face deep in my chest. She nearly knocked me over but I quickly regained my balance and hugged her back. I heard little sobs escape her grasp. "I'm sorry I'm such a baby" she mumbled into my shirt. "Aww sweetie, you're not a baby, just let it out" I rubbed soothing circles on her back which seemed to calm her down.

"Now tell me what's up" I moved her back a little so I could see her face. Her eyes were red and puffy and her cheeks were wet from her tears. I wiped them away with my thumbs. "I-It's just I don't want to be away from you. I can't stand not seeing your face, hearing your voice or feeling your right here next to m-me" she started chocking up and more tears escaped her eyes. I took the key from her hand and opened her door. I took her case inside and locked the door behind me as I went back into the hallway. I took her hand and my case down to my apartment and opened the door. I threw my case somewhere amd locked the door.

I picked Beth up bridal style and carried her to my bedroom where I sat down with her in my lap. He had her hands around my neck, playing with the bottom of my hair. I had one of my hands supporting her back and the other on the small of her bare back, drawing patterns with my fingers.

Once she stopped crying I layed us down facing to each other. I moved a strand of hair out of her face and tucked it behind her ear. I wrapped my arms around her waist and brough her to me, we couldn't be any closer. She placed a light kiss on my neck. And we fell asleep together.

*Beth's POV*

I woke up to see Norman smiling at me. "How long have you been awake?" "Not long, didn't want to wake you" I sat up and looked at my phone. It was 4pm. "Normy I need to go sort out my apartment. They'll have delivered my bed and everything by now." I started to sit up but Norman pulled me back down onto him "noo don't leave me, just 5 more minutes" I tried to move but his grip kept tightening. "Norm I really need to go. If I stay I'll stay forever" I giggled. "I'll make you a deal if you stay for 5 more minutes" he stopped and thought for a second "I'll help you sort everything out" I raisedy eyebrows. "Hmmm-" he cut me off "topless" I felt myself blush a little. "Well that does sound very nice" I kissed his nose "Deal" I layed back down with my head on Norman's chest listening to his heart beat slowly.

After 5 minutes we went over to mine and began moving boxes around and making everything look good. "Hey I though you said you'd be topless" I shoved a box into his chest for his to carry to my room. "Well you'll have to take it off for me....if you can catch me" he had an evil smirk on his face as her ran off into my room. I chased after him. He was at the otherside of my bed. I ran around it but he jumped on it and ran back into the kitchen. I ran around after him around the breakfast bar in the kitchen and finally pinned him down and straddled his lap on the couch. "Gotcha now sucker" I giggled.

I moved my hands to the helm of his shirt and started to lift it over his head. As I did I left wet kisses just above his pants, his belly, his chest and his neck. I saw a small 'x' tattoo on his neck and kissed a little harder at that bit. "Oohh... I guess you figured out what that tattoo means" I looked into hos eyes "I was thinking of doing the same thing but no one ever kissed my neck before you" he looked confused. "Really? I mean come on, you're so hot. Why would anyone not want to kiss your neck" He sat up with me still on his lap. "Haha I'm not Norm" he brought his lips to mine for a passionate kiss. "Erm yeh you are. So I'm guessing this is your first serious relationship?" "So we're serious now?" I questioned. "Yeh course we are" "then yup this is my first serious relationship" I said popping each 'p'. "Wow, have you had many boyfriends before me?" "Yeh a few, all twats though, I'm so glad I found you" I placed a kiss on his cheek. "Why were they twats?" I wad about to tell Norman some of the things that I had never told anyone. I trusted him.

A/N yeh I know this chapter is really crappy but it's late and I really wanted to finish it. Please comment and vote. Thanks for reading!
Beth xx

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