Chapter 5

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Norman's POV

I woke up with Beth still in my arms and her head still resting on my chest. She looked so beautiful and peaceful when she was asleep. Her skin was so soft. I started stroking her arms up and down. I wish I could wake up like this everyday, with her right beside me. But of course that couldn't happen. She's only 18, she's got her whole life ahead of her and she won't want to spend it with me. I looked down at her one last time. I never wanted to take my eyes of her. But somehow I had to. I couldn't force her into liking me. I had to try keep my distance. So I got out of bed, put my pants back on and made my way to the kitchen to get a coffee. I went and sat on my couch watching the early morning news. It was 9:00am. I don't know what time it would be in the UK but I can imagine she would be super tired after yesterday.

Beth's POV

I woke up to nothing. My arms spread across the bed but I didn't have Norman with me. What if he saw my wrists and ran away. I would if I were him. I've only just realised he gave me a short sleaved shirt. It was freezing in his house this morning. I needed someone to warm me up. I needed  Norman. I walked into the main room to see him sat back on the couch watching tv with a cup of coffee. *cough.cough* I need to get his attention. He turned round and stood up to greet me. He still had no top on which made me blush. You could see the lining of his boxers just above his pants. He pulled me into a quick hug and sat back down.

"Is everything ok?" I asked him. He just grunted and shrugged his shoulders. I sat down next to him so we were a few inches apart. "What's up Norman?" I kept telling myself that I've probably done something wrong. "Nothing, just tired" yeh right..."Norman I know something is bothering you so just tell me" I touched his shoulder but he moved away. I got up from the couch and went to get changed in his room. I quickly made his bed and folded his shirt up and placed it on the end of hi bed. I closed his bedroom door and walked behind the couch where Norman was still sitting. He looked so moody. I went to tap his shoulder but he moved away again. I brought my hand away from him and walked towards the door, Norman still not looking at me. "Thanks for letting me stay" I didn't get an answer. "Bye then" I unlocked his door and went straight to mine for a long and needed shower. What the fuck have I done to deserve this? He's nothing like I thought he would be. After watching pretty much every interview and video of him on tv and youtube I thought he'd be nice. He told me yesterday he'd be nice. I guess that's all a lie. If he wasn't to stay away from me that's fine. I tried to talk to him but he didn't listen. I felt a single fear roll down my face. "Don't let him get to you, he obviously wasn't the man you thought he was. Just avoid him" and that's what I was going to do.

after I got changed, put my clothes into wash and made myself some breakfast I decided to call my mum. "Hello sweetie" my mum screamed down the phone. "Hi mum" "what's up? You don't sound too happy?" I sighed "It's just I met Norman Reedus yesterday" "wwooo! I bet you died didn't you! I know how much you love him!" "Well I slept at his last night because he lives on my floor and he felt sorry for me because my bed hasn't arrived yet" My mum was still excited. "Well what's wrong with that?" That' exactly it...there was nothing wrong with what I did because I did nothing. "I woke up and went to sit next to him on the couch. He wouldn't evem talk to me or look at me. I didn't do anything wrong so I just left." I could feel tears in my eyes again. I never cry. "Aww sweetie just leave him alone, he doesn't deserve you. Do you want me to sort him out? I could get your dad to beat him up" she always had a way to cheer me up."haha no mum it's ok, I need to go get some things from the store, bye mum love you" " love you too" I hung up and exited my apartment.

I went to the store that Norman told me about and picked up some basic things. I did have a lot of bags which were quite heavy so I don't know how I'm going to carry them back. I picked them up and headed towards the exit when someone bumped into me "hey watch were you...oh hey Alex" It was the pizza delivers man from last night. "Hey Beth, let me help you with these" he grabbed half of the bags and walked me back to my apartment. We just seemed to get on so well. There was no pauses or anything. "So where is your boyfriend Norman?" He said as we got out of ths elevator. "He's not my boyfriend and I think he's in his apartment. We kinda fell out but I don't know why." I placed the bags down and fumbled for my keys. "Oh what happened?" "I don't know, he just wouldn't talk to me this morning. As I opened the door I heard Normans open. He sent me a small smile and then faced Alex. He just glared at him, what's his problem? "Come on lets go inside" we dragged everything inside and I made him a cup of coffee. We just talked about our pasts which is more than me and Norman did.

There was a knock at the door so I got up and walked to the door. It was Norman. "Can I have a word?" He looked so innocent. "Why?" I asked quite rudely. "I just need to talk to you" he looked deep into my eyes but I avoided contact. "Fine" I gave in. "Why is he here?" Why did he need to know. "He's my only friend around here and he offered to help me bring my things back from the store." This was going to turn into an arguement. "I don't want you with him" eh? "What? Why? It's got nothing to do with you" I almost yelled at him. "Did last night mean nothing to you?" Why was he so confusing. "Did this morning mean nothing to you?" "That wasn't me" of course he was going to come up with some lame excuse. "Then why did you do it? Why don't you want me to hang around with my only friend. Are you jealo-" he cut me off "Yes" he yell so all of our floor could hear and also Alex. Shit what am I suppost to do about him? "You are? Why?" I was in complete shock. "I should be the one helping you not him. I should be the one sitting in your apartment chatting about life with you, not him" I'm pretty sure my mouth made the she of an O. "Really? I thought you didn't care" a small smile reached my face. "I do care, a lot really I do. Ever since I first saw you yesterday. I just want to-" I shut him off my pressing my lips to his. This wasn't just one of our normal kisses we shared yesterday. It was filled with passion and lust. I could feel his tongue glide across my bottom lip asking to roam my mouth for the first time. I let him in. We both studied each others mouthes with our tongues. He tasted amazing. He placed his hands on my lower back moving me closer to him. My arms were wrapped around his neck and my finger tangled in his hair. It was perfect. Little did I know our perfect moment was about to be ruined. "Beth, is everything alright" I pulled back from Norman so I was able to catch my breath. Wow this guy was good. We just stared into each others eyes. They were so blue and beautiful. I never wanted to take my eyes away from him. "Beth are you still there?" I looked at Norman. "I better go" I looked down at our feet. He put his finger under my chin and made me look into those eyes again. I just wanted to melt into him. He gave me a quick kiss and said "to be continued"

Hey guys! Another update! I'm really enjoying writing this and I hope you're enjoying reading it :) do you like the way I ended the chapter there? Please comment and vote. Love you guys
Beth xx ☺

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