Chapter 28

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*A/N This chapter is dedicated to ... Paytee617

*Norman's POV* ;) you should know what the winky face means by now!

Well. I'd ruined Beth's day. Now she was crying. We were both crying. I'm not sure if she was crying because I was or because we were losing a loved character. All we did was comfort each other as much as we could.

This afternoon was really emotional. I haven't had an afternoon like this in a long time. Hopefully I will never again have one like this. The only thing that could make me do this again is losing someone. I am such a baby sometimes.


It's about 21:00 and neither of us had said a word since I mentioned Emily. We had stopped crying and settled down. I laid there on the couch with Beth wrapped in my arms. I had gotten changed out of my Daryl costume, had a shower to get as much blood and mud of my as I could and put on some pjs. Beth got out of her lingerie and threw on a different pair on my pjs.

"I've missed seeing you in my pjs" I looked down at Beth who gave me a weak smile and she burried her head back into my chest. "I've missed our cuddles" I whispered. She gave me a quick squeeze. "I've missed you so much baby" I felt myself choke up again. "I never w-want to leave you a-again" I said as a tear rolled down my cheek. Beth sat up and brought my head to her chest. She reached down and kissed the top of my head. "Aww Norm. I'll never leave you. I don't think I could. You've become the most important person in my life. I love you so much Norman Reedus. Wow it's still weird saying that in front of you. I'm dating Norman Reedus" She chuckled to herself which made me smile. "I love you so much more. You'll always be mine" She raised her eyebrow and smirked. "So I'm yours? You own me. I don't think so Normy poo! You're mine"

I flipped her over so I was hovering on top with my hands at either side of her head to keep my balance. "Oh yeh, well I've got you trapped. I'll free you when you say that you're mine" She snaked her arms around my neck. "What if I don't want to be freed" Wow this girl was amazing. "Well I guess we'll just have to stay like this...forever" I brought my head down to hers and lightly brushed her lips with mine, teasing her. "That's fine by me" She said in between kisses.

"Now would have been a good time for that lingerie" She said in my mouth. I pulled back. "I'm sorry babe, I'd of ripped it off you anyway" I made my way back to her lips, our tongues dancing together. This moment was so perfect. We'd waited so long to have each other again. Tonight was going to be filled with love and lust.

I let my tongue find its way down her jaw and onto her neck. I knew exactly where I was going. Her sweet spot. As soon as I hit it she let out a moan. "I've missed that noise" She bit her lip. God she was so sexy.

My hand glided along her thigh to her bum and I pinched it making her tug on my hair. I then moved my hand to her top and lifted it over her head breaking the kiss. "Wow, this is so much better that I imagined it would be" She wasn't the only one who had thought about it. "Am I any good in your dreams?" I looked deep in her eyes as she blushed. "Of course baby, but nothing beats the real thing, not even me" She just admitted to 'playing with herself' over me. I didn't think it was possible but she blushed even more. To be honest so did I. We've had rough sex before but talking dirty was a new thing in our relationship and I hope it stays with us in the future.

"God I'd love to see that" Woops it slipped right out of my mouth. She bit her lip again and ran her tongue over her top lip. "Another time baby, I've been waiting for you. I need you so bad" She crashed her lips onto mine and made her way down to the bottom of my shirt and pulled it over my head. As our tongues were intwined her hands roamed my chest and back.

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