Chapter 37

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Norman's POV

December is freezing in New York and this year it's even colder. Which means I'm extra worried about my two special people walking around. I couldn't be with her all the time, thats impossible for us both but I've definately tried.

Beth is 3 month along with her pregnancy now and her little bump is so cute. A beautiful little baby is growing inside her. Not just any baby, mine and Beth's. God it sounds perfect when I say that.

Today we were going to the hospital for a check up. Oh. And to see the sex of the baby. Now I'll be able to prove that our baby is a girl.

And tomorrow is mine and Beth's anniversary. We'd met just over a year ago and tomorrow I can say that I've been in a relationship with a girl I love for a year.

"Ok, we'll go pick up Mingus and then we're off to the hospital." I squeezed Beth's hand as we got into my truck. "I'm so excited and nervous at the same time." She was shaking. "It'll be ok baby, our little girl will be fine." I kissed my hand and placed it on her stomach. "You're making me think it's a girl now. Just, don't be disappointed if it isn't a girl." She sighed. "Beth, you know I'll love this baby just as much if it's a boy. But I know she's a girl." She leaned over a kissed my lips. "I love you Norm." I placed my hand on her cheek. "I love you too baby and baby Reedus."

We met Mingus and made our way to the hospital. "I'm so excited Beth. This is the best christmas present ever!" She smiled sweetly at him. "So do you think it's a girl, like your dad, or a boy?" He shrugged his shoulders. "I'm not sure. But if it's a boy I'll teach him everything I know. But if it's a girl then I'm going to protect her like a big brother should do."

We arrived at the hospital, Beth and Mingus sat in the waiting area while I told reception that we were ready. "Baby Reedus." Beth looked over at Me and I did a cheeky smile. "What?" She rolled her eyes. "Now you've got the nurse calling our baby, baby Reedus."

We walked into the room and the nurse told Beth to lay on the bed. Me and Mingus sat on either side of her. "The doctor will be in shortly." I nodded at her and she walked out. Beth let out a long breath. "Everything is going to be fine Beth." I placed my hand over hers and squeezed it.

"Hello I'm doctor Castello. And you must be the Reedus family." That gave me butterflies. "That's us. But we're not married.....yet." I winked at Beth who blushed. "Well we'll be taking a look at your baby today, and finding out if it's a boy or a girl." I smiled and he walked over to us.

I helped Beth pull her top up. "Now this might be a little cold." He squirted some jelly on her stomach. She tensed a bit and let out another long breath. The doctor brought the machine over and placed the scanner on Beth's stomach. He moved it around a little and I was getting a little anctious. "Ah. Now would you like to know the sex or would you like it in an envelope?" We all looked at each other and Beth answered. "I think we all need to know now." She giggled. God that noise drived me insane.

"There is the head." He said pointing to the screen. "And the little body there." We were all in shock. We just stared at the screen.

"Well congratulations guys. You're having a girl." Beth looked over at me in shock. She moved her hands to cover her mouth. I sat there with a smirk on my face. I knew she'd be a girl. "N-norman, w-were having a g-girl." Beth had tears running down her face. "I'll give you guys some space." The doctor went out and I threw my arms around Beth and Mingus. "I told you so."

"I still can't believe we're having a baby Beth, you're so special to me baby. God I love you so much." A tear ran down my cheek. "Are you crying dad?" Mingus laughed. "Yeah I thought you were as tough as nails." We laughed. "I was the same with you Ming. I'm to total opposite babe, and you know it." I put my hand on her cheek and placed a soft kiss to her lips. "Guys stop." I liked Beth's lips as I pulled away. I looked at Mingus. "Stop what."

Before Beth had time to stop me I crashed my lips onto hers just to piss off Mingus. She wouldn't let my tongue in her mouth, she was on his side. "Norm, you're gross." She wiped her lips. "Yeah but you love me."


Beth's POV

Once we got home we put the scans on the fridge and one in our bedroom. Mingus had to go home so we dropped him off. He insisted we got a print out for him too. Now we didn't have anything to do.

I sat there watching tv whilst Norman was having a smoke outside. I went out to him and wrapped my arms round him from behind. I let my hands rest on his tonned chest and my head on his back. He put one of his hands on top of mine. "I love you and our little girl." Norman said after blowing some smoke out. "I don't want you near me when I smoke, it could effect baby Reedus." He dabbed out his cig and turned to face me with has arms wrapped around me. "But I missed you. You need to stop baby. I know I can't stop you but it's slowly killing you and that kills me inside. What if our baby grows up not knowing her father."  I sighed. "What would I do without you." I rested my head against his chest. "Hey, sweetheart, I didn't know it bothered you this much." He lifted my head up by my chin. "Well it does. My grandparents used to smoke their whole lives. They stopped a few years ago and now they're really ill. Their breathing is so bad and my grandma had a heart attack because of it. I just don't want that to happen to you." A tear ran down her cheek. "Ok, I won't smoke until the baby comes. And if you still feel the same and I see an improvement in my health then I'll stop for good." He face brightened up. "Really?" She questioned. "Yup. Anything for my girl."

We got cuddled up on the couch and watched a movie. "What if you're away and the baby comes. I'm due in June. You'll be in Georgia." She paniced. "Don't worry, I had a word with your boss and she said you can stay with me the whole time. You're gonna get maternity leave anyway." I kissed the top of her head and she smiled. "You're amazing." She softly kissed my lips sending fireworks through my body. "You're even more amazing." She shook her head and laughed. "You're carrying our baby, Beth. That is pretty amazing. I could never do something like that."

She bit her lip and looked into my eyes. "This is all so strange." I raised one of eyebrows. "Why?" She moved some hair out of my face and tucked it behind my ear. "I don't know. I guess I always thought I'd never find 'true love' but here I am, with you. And I thought I'd do things the traditional way, you know, get married then have kids. But I wouldn't change things." She kissed my nose and cuddled into me more.

"Well one day we will get married, after our little girl is born." I moved my hand to her stomach. I pulled up her top a bit and placed a kiss there. "What about me?" She pouted. I kept my hand on her stomach and slowly kissed her lips. She placed both hands on my chest. "There, is that better?" She shook her head.

"Make love to me baby." She called. "I need you to make love to me." I carried her to the bedroom and placed her down on the bed. I slowly lifted her top off and her bra and kissed up her chest and finally her lips. She lifted mine off and we continued to each others lips. "Norman." She moaned into my mouth. "I love hearing you call my name." Her hands roamed my back, her nails slightly dug into my back. "Norm baby." We quickly got rid of our bottom half so we were fully naked. "I love you Norm." "I love you too baby." And so that night I made love to the girl of my dreams.


Hey guys! So how do you feel about them having a baby?
I also need to apologise in advance for something that is going to be happening in the next chapter. But I'm not telling you yet! Muahaha

Love ya'll
Beth xx

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