Chapter 25

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*Beth's POV*

Another week had gone by. Luckily Norman had that week off so we hung around as much as we could. Today was the day he was leaving to go film The Walking Dead in Georgia. I didn't sleep last night, the thought of Norman leaving made me feel sick.

I felt Norman face me with his eyes closed. Man I was going to miss our mornings. I moved closer to him so my head was on his bare chest. I took in his scent. What was I going to do without him? I kissed his chest a few times and wrapped my arms around his middle. I felt his grip tighten on me. "Hmm morning baby" I smiled into his chest after hearing his raspy morning voice. I wrapped my legs around his and held him closer to me. "Morning"

I felt my smile fade. I felt like crying. I traced his tattoo on his chest. "Did you sleep well?" I shrugged my shoulders. I didn't want to tell him I couldn't sleep. If I talked, I'd end up crying. The thing is, if I started crying I don't think I could stop.

Norman played with my hair. "What's up Beth?" I dug my face into his chest. I couldn't hide the tears anymore. I let my tears soak Norman's chest. Norman shifted so we were now face to face. "Please don't cry...Beth you look so tired....did you sleep at all?" I shook my head. I couldn't bring myself to look into his eyes. "Aww baby please don't get upset" He placed a kiss on my head.

I felt his fingers slide under my chin and lift my head so I was looking into his eyes. "I'll call you every chance I can and I'll skype you before I go to sleep" I could see his eyes starting to water.

*Norman's POV*

Seeing Beth like this broke my heart. I didn't want to leave her, ever. I wish I could take her with me but she has to work a lot. "Baby Im gonna miss you so much" She managed to say something. " I felt my eyes start to water a little. This girl means so much to me. I hated seeing her upset.

I dried her tears with my thumb. She moved her hand up to my cheek and wiped something away. I had no idea I had started full on crying.

I held her close in my arms. I never wanted to let go.


Eventually we got up and made some breakfast. Beth just pushed her cereal around in her bowl and had stopped crying for a bit. I knew that today was going to be hard but I thought we'd have a nice, relaxing nice day together and say our goodbyes. But no. It had started a mess.

I sat down on the couch and put the tv on the first channel that was on. Beth just continued to stare at her bowl of cereal. I heard her sniffle and turned to face her. She had more tears falling down her cheeks.

I went over to her and pushed the bowl away. I scooped her up in my arms and carried her over to the couch and placed her on my knee. She rested her head on my shoulder and tucked her legs up on my chest. Her arms were around my neck. I held her close to me.

I was worried I was going to lose her. "Baby, you'll still love me while I'm away, won't you?" I said softly in her ear. She moved her head up to look at me. "What the hell Norman, of course I will...why wouldn't I love you anymore?" I wrapped my arms around her middle. "I don't know, I'm just worried I'll lose you to someone else while I'm away or something" She scrunched her eyebrows together. "Y-you, you don't trust me?" Her eyes looked confused and hurt. "No no no baby, I didn't mean that-" "Well that's how it sounded" She pushed herself off me and stood up. "No Beth, I just love you so much and I don't want to lose you" I tried to hold her hand but she stepped back. "B-but why would you lose me to someone else? You know how I feel about you..." I stood up. "It's're too good for me Beth, I don't want you to realise that and find someone better" Her face went back to normal.

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