Chapter 38

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Beth's POV

Mine and Norman's one year anniversary was amazing. He took me out to our favourite restaurant and bought me a cute teddy with a small ring on it. It was beautiful. I bought him a new watch as well. I think he likes it because he hasn't taken it off since last week.

But it was now two weeks till christmas and we were so excited. Our first christmas together. The due day for the baby was coming along and I was starting to get a little worried. It was still 6 to 7 months away but I have this weird feeling I was going to be a bad mother. I have no idea what I'm doing.

It's cute that he is always checking up on me though. He cares so much and I love him for it. Today I was just finishing my shift and I'd be going back home. "So do you want a lift home or is Norman picking you up?"

"Nah it's alright, I'll just walk home. It's not too far." I finished clearing the last table. "Are you sure? It's cold and dark outside." She began to lock up the cafe. "It'll be nice to get some fresh air." We closed up and she got in her car. "Ok, well text me when you're home. I'll see you tomorrow." I smiled at her as she set off on the road.

I wrapped my scarf around my neck to keep warm. It was raining a little and it was really dark. I rested my hands on my little bump as I walked along the streets.

The streets weren't that busy tonight either which scared me a little. I have been here a year now but I'm not fully used to it.

"Hey ma'am how are ya today?" I jumped a little at the man that appeared next to me. "Erm I'm ok thanks." I stepped away from him a little. "It's awful cold out. Where ya heading?" He stepped closer. "I'm g-going home."

He put his hand on my shoulder and I stopped walking. "Hmm why don't ya come back to my place for a while?" I felt tears build up in the back of my eyes. "Erm n-no thanks...I-I need to go." He grabbed my shoulder tighter before I could get away. "Now what's the rush sweetheart?" Hearing him call me that broke my heart, that's what Norman calls me.

"Please leave me a-alone." I pushed his hand off me. "Wow miss. Calm down. I'd hate to see you get hurt." My heart was pounding. I started looking around to see if anyone could stop him.

I quickly ran off down the road. I was running as fast as I could just hoping that I would run into someone who could help me. But it was too late.

I was pulled by my coat backwards and I hit the ground with a thud. I instantly put my hands over my stomach to shield my little girl. "Oh I see. The little slut got herself knocked up." I tears were now pouring down my face. "Please don't hurt my baby." I cried out.

All I could think about was my baby and Norman. Please come save me. I was quickly taken from my thoughts when I felt a blow to my stomach. And another one. And another. I tried to block him but I felt so weak. I couldn't do anything about it.

I gathered every ounce of strength "Norman please help me." I yelled out in the streets. "There isn't anyone here." I felt my eyes slipping away. Just before I blacked out the kicking stopped. I heard a few grunts that got quieter as I slipped away.

Someone rushed over to me. "Hello? There's help on the way. Just stay awake." And that's it.


Norman's POV*

Beth would usually be home by now but maybe she is running a bit late. Now that she has a little person inside her I like to know that she's extra safe.

I got a phone call from Beth's boss. "Hello?"
"Hey, is Beth home?"
"No not yet. I though she was just running late."
"Well we were actually out a little earlier than usual. I asked her to text me when she got home just to make sure."
"Well thanks for calling. I'm sure she'll be home soon. If she's not back in five minutes then I'll go out and I'll let you know."
"Ok, thanks Norman, bye."

I wasn't going to wait 5 minutes, I was going out now. I grabbed my coat and ran out the door. As I left the building I got another phone call.

"Hello, it this Norman Reedus?"
"Yeah, who is this?"
"This is a doctor at the hospital. Beth was attacked not too long ago."
"I-Is she o-ok? I'm coming in right now"
"She has some internal bleeding, she's having an operation as we speak. Hopefully the operation will last just over an hour."
"O-ok. T-thank."

I was in total shock. Some little bastard had attacked my beautiul girlfriend. I got on my bike and rode to the hospital as fast as I could.

I ran through the doors to the reception. "Beth Smith...where is she?" She stumbled on the computer. "Got up to the third floor on your second left. Someone will show you up there." I thanked her and ran up the stairs right to where she told me.

"Where is she? Is she alright?" A nurse quickly approached me. "Hello sir, please calm down. Who are you looking for?" I caught my breath. "Beth Smith." She nodded her head. "She's still in surgery. Hopefully she'll be out soon." She took me to a waiting room. "M-my is m-my baby." She sighed. "We're not sure how the baby is. We won't find out till she's out. They're doing everything they can."

I sat down and rested my head in my hands and let the tears roll down my cheeks. Why? Why did this have to happen to my girl. My special girl.


After what felt like forever someone finally came in to see me. "Mr Reedus? Beth is back on the ward now. She won't wake up for a while but she's fine." I rushed to a stand and walked out the door.

That image will haunt me forever. She looked so pale. I sat next to her on a chair and held her hand. "B-beth." I rested my head on her hand and cried into her. The nurse was about to walk away but I stopped her. "Please, miss, our baby. How's my little girl?" He tilted her head down. "I -I'm really sorry sir. The baby didn't make it. We had to remove her"

It felt like someone was stabbing me through the heart. Why the fuck would someone attack a pregnant woman. My little baby wasn't there anymore.

But what hurt me the most was the fact that I had to tell Beth. She was so excited and happy. This is going to crush her. I was in pieces. I couldn't stop crying. Eventually the nurse came in and brought me a bottle of water and some tissues. "I'm so sorry sir. If there is anything I can do, please let me know." I couldn't reply through all the tears. She simply nodded and walked away.

After a while I fell asleep holding Beth's hand.


I woke up in the morning with someone squeezing my hand. "B-beth. Y-you're awake." I stood up next to her and took her hand in mine. She sweetly smiled at me. "I missed you." She said quietly. "I'm so glad you're ok." I didn't think it was possible but more tears fell down my cheeks.

She reached up and wiped my tears away. She cupped my cheeks and brought my face down to hers. I softly kissed her lips. She pulled back but I brought my lips back to hers. I never wanted to let go. "N-norm" she giggled.

"This was all my fault." Her smile faded. "Norm, this has nothing to do with you. I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time." I shook my head. "No baby, if I would have picked you up like I usually do then you'd be ok." I sat down again. "Norm please don't blame yourself. I promise it isn't your fault." She brought my hand to her lips and kissed it. "What kind of boyfriend can't even protect his girl." And I cried again.

She moved up and I crawled into her bed. I rested my head on her chest and she kiss the top of my head. "All that matters is that we're all ok."

I lifted my head up and looked into her eyes "w-what?" I couldn't tell her. "N-norm, what's going on?" Her eyes filled up as I spoke. "I'm so sorry." She put her hand on her stomach. "She didn't make it. They took her out when you were in surgery."

"N-not our little g-girl."

We spent the rest of the day crying. It was going to take a while for us to get used to things. I was going to have to make this christmas the best ever.

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