Chapter 13

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A/N There might be some 'interesting' things going on in this chapter. You have been warned again! ;) I guess you could say this is an important chapter.

*Beth's POV*

We arrived at the restaurant. Norman held a hand out and I took it as I got out of the car. We were at some posh place and I felt really odd. Everyone was dressed well and they looked very high class. I felt out of place, as I didn't come from a posh area. I'd never been anywhere this posh. Everyone stared at us as we walked in. A million thoughs ran through my head. 'Did they think I was too young for him?' 'Do I look big in this dress?' 'I'm not good enough for him'. These things kept eating my brain. My breathing picked up a bit. I didn't even realise that the waiter and Norman was now yelling at me for my drink. "Oh erm I'll just have a water please" I continued to look down at my lap, playing with the fabric on my dress.

"Babe you look amazing" I looked up abd gave him a small smile then looked back down again. My heart was beating out of my chest. "Is something wrong?" He tilted his head to the side. "I just need to go to the restrooms, back in a sec"

*Norman's POV*

She's been acting a little weird recently. It started back at the hotel. Now she's gone to the toilet. Wait...could she be leaving? Nah she wouldn't, would she? I was pulled out of my thoughts when the waiter arrived back with our drinks. I thanked him and resumed my thoughts. Maybe she doesn't like me, am I too old? She's been in there for at least 5 minutes now. Something must be wrong. I sent her a text.

Norman- Everything ok in there babe? Xx

*Beth's POV*

I rushed to the toilet and luckily I was the only one in there. I ran my fingers through my hair and sighed. I wasn't right for this part of the world. I'm not the posh girl Norman wants. I'm just from a friendly area in the UK. Just a simple family, friends, school life. Nothing interesting. But Norman he's done it all. Everyone wanted to be him or be with him. Yes I loved the fact he was with me. And it's obvious he likes me or he wouldn't have taken me out. Or maybe he feels sorry for me. What if this is his idea of friendship. I needed to tell him what I was feeling. I know he is my boyfriend but...ughh I needed some time to think. About what? I don't know. I came here for a fresh start. I was going to get a job, an apartment and live on my own and be on my own, I learnt that the hard way. Then Norman showed up and I was completly swept of my feet. It was all a big rush, it happened too soon. But I lo...wait. No. We haven't been going out long. I can't say that. But it was true I had already fallen for Norman as a I was actually in love with him. I looked at myself in the mirror. I never thought I'd say that. Ever. I thought love wasn't really just a fairytale, but I had found it. I felt my phone vibrate.

Norman- Everything ok in there babe? X

Beth-Everything is fine. Be out soon, sorry x

I walked out and sat back down across from Norman. His hands nervously playing with his napkin. I reached past the wine glasses and candles in the middle of the table and touched his hands. He froze under my touch. "What's wrong? Sorry for that I-I.." He kept his eyes down on the table. Did I do something wrong. "Norman please talk to me" He didn't move" I started to move my hand away when he stopped me and held my hands. "I know you don't like it here. I really wanted to impress you, I really like you Beth" I reached over and put my fingers under his chin. "Hey, I really like you too" He looked up and gave me the cutest smile I've ever seen "aww-" I cut myself off my putting my hand to my mouth. "Sorry you just looked really cute when you smiled then" His smile grew and I felt myselc blush. "You wanna get out of here and go somewhere better?" I nodded my head and grabbed my things. Norman put some money down and we headed outside to find somewhere cool.

Normy's smiler :)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant