"Father, if I'm being completely honest, I don't see the need to apologise." Taehyung nudges me with his elbow. If I paid him for everytime he's had to do that over the course of my life, he wouldn't need our family's wealth.

"I didn't yell or start a ruckus. I just defended my ungrateful brother. If Namjoon marries into that family, not only will he lose his wealth, but also his freedom."

My mother yells some more. Most of it goes in one ear and out the other. Like all of her reprimanding, she doesn't fail to mention the behaviour of a woman. A list of things which I am not. Quiet, meek and submissive. All traits I don't possess in her eyes.

Taehyung tries to explain to my mother how I perceived the situation. She ignores him and continues on. The food is probably cold by now.

Mrs Lee enters to take the dishes. At once the whole table silences and Mother puts on a smile. The one she's perfected over the years of being married to my Father. Her dimples pop out like Namjoons, but her eyes still hold the coldness is did when looking at me.

"We haven't eaten yet, Mrs Lee. Please give us an hour. We're just so excited for Namjoons wedding."

A lie Namjoon gives in to with his own perfected, dimpled smile. This is where the saying "like mother, like son" comes into play.

The fake smiles are enough for Mrs Lee as she exits the dining area.

"Soa, all I'm saying is you're getting married into Jeon Corp. To lash out like that will bring a bad reputation upon Jeongguk-"

"I've learnt my lesson." I interrupt with a smile.

As always the Kim family has proven to me that no matter how loving we may appear in public, the only person who cares about me is Kim Taehyung.

"Please excuse me, Jeongguk and I are meeting at 9 and I have to get ready"

With a quiet "you're excused" from my father, I leave the dining area with a bow. Mother doesn't look pleased with my abrupt exit, but she says nothing about it.

To Jeongguk
meet me at Casa Dela after your meeting. I'm on my way there now.

From Jeongguk
You didn't have supper with your family?

From Jeongguk
I'm home, so come over.


In my teenage years, the Jeon estate had been a hangout spot. Taehyung had frequently visited the mansions, with the excuse of seeing Jeongguk. We all knew it was because he planned secret hook-ups with Jeongguk's cousin Hana. Because the estate was home to all the Jeons, he had easy access to the girl who usually stayed home alone. To make it less suspicious he dragged me with him to hang out with Jeongguk. To this day he still reminds me that he's the reason I ended up dating his best friend in university. "I'm your matchmaker. Do you seriously think I didn't know you liked him?"

Hana had moved to America after high school, leaving Taehyung with a final kiss after graduation. I always reminded him that I had been the reason he could experience anything similar to a romance. "If I had stayed home everytime you went there, you'd still be a virgin."

Now, as an adult, the Jeon estate had become a second home. Not because I could finally enter the house at ease, without the fear of Taehyung being caught. It was because of the way I could waltz into his room without having to worry about walking in on him shirtless the way he was when I'd arrived. Or his mother suddenly popping in only to see him shirtless with my tongue down his throat the way it is now. A quiet squeak leaving her lips at the sight.

Jeongguk and I pull apart at the sound. The action so quick, a warmth passes over my face in embarrassment. Our eyes both focusing on his mother. Dressed in a silk nightgown and a warm smile. Her eyes dissappear into crescents.

"I thought I saw your car pull up." She speaks, quickly calming down from her shock. Her feet moving in quick steps towards my body. My arms falling limp at my side as I put space between myself and her still half-naked son. If she's bothered by his lack of a shirt, she doesn't mention it.

"It's been so long since I've seen you." Her warm body presses against my own. A hug I'm used to receiving. The smell of her expensive perfume hitting me right in the nostrils. "Are you sure you don't want me to warm a plate of food for you? Martha has just gone to bed, but-" She rests a perfectly manicured hand on my shoulder.

"No, Mrs Jeon, it's okay. I had something at Mc Donald's before I came here. I'm fine." I smile, watching as her face falls. Cherry lips no longer in a half moon.

"Okay, if you say so." She smiles warmly.

Her eyes trail over Jeongguk. The smile I'd received wiping away and a serious expression replacing it. "Are you trying to make me a grandmother? Put on a shirt and stop seducing-"

"Seducing? Mom, we've literall-"

"Are you talking back to your mother?" She asks, eyes narrowing at him.

I bite back my smile when he sighs and does as she says. If there is one person who knows how to make Jeongguk appear like a small ball of fluff, it's his mother. With her personality she easily turns him from CEO Jeon into the embarrassed newbie he was in high school. Jimin always teases him for it.

"I'll come back later to see you off, Soa." She smiles satisfied that he still listens to her. "And Jeon Jeongguk you had better keep those hands to yourself. Nothing other than kissing in my house." She points her French tipped finger at him. The eyeliner around her eyes adding to her fierce look.

Jeongguk nods at her. It's an unspoken way of getting her to leave his room. Any other day he'd try and argue that he's an adult. It's a weak argument considering we haven't reached the "third base". That's what Jimin calls it everytime he feels the need to tell us about his different encounters after nights at Love Maze.

"It's quite embarrassing how she still manages to humiliate me in front of you" Jeongguk sighs when she leaves.

"Yeah, that's very unlike you CEO Jeon." I tease.


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