He pulls away and holds my shoulders looking me up and down. "Wow you really are as beautiful as he says. Now don't tell him I said that." The sandy blonde haired guy says.

Before I can respond he turns to the three guys and whispers something to them and I watch as their faces' morph into looks of horror. 

The sandy blonde haired guy turns around and winks at me and then suddenly the three guys begin apologising profusely. "We are sorry miss"
"We didn't know miss"
"Sorry about this miss"

"Uh um" I stumble and look at the man with sandy hair with wide eyes.

He smiles at me amused and says "I'm Chase. Ian's best friend. And these idiots are Dylan, Cole and Axel" he says pointing to them.

"Oh well nice to meet you all" I say giving a smile and little wave. Except for that fact you were complete dicks.

Chase turns to the guys and says "Ok well you can fuck off now" and they scurry off back into the house. Once they are gone he brings a hand around my shoulders and guides me inside. "Now Ian's in a meeting but you're welcome to wait in the living room" Chase smiles down at me.

"Ok thank you" I smile back and follow Chase closely, really don't want to get lost in a place like this.

"Ok well make yourself at home. But don't leave this room." Chase says smiling.

"Hah ok awesome well thank you Chase" I smile. Before I can register he brings me into a bone crushing hug. "Oh umm" I mutter.

"Thank you" he says pulling away and giving me a genuine smile.

"Ahh umm?" I say quietly.

"You're really good for Ian. He is so much happier now. So thank you."

"I'm a lot happier too" I smile.

He pats me on the shoulder and says "Well he still assigns a fuckton of work so see ya later Aubrey"

"Bye" I wave as he leaves. Once I am alone in the living room I let out a big sigh and plop down onto the couch. I place the cupcakes on the coffee table in front of me and pull out my phone to entertain myself.

I'm in the middle of watching tiktoks when I feel the couch dip on both sides of me.

"Hey sweetheart" the guy on my right says and I look to see he has coal black hair pulled into a small ponytail at the back.

"H-hi!" I say smiling, but really crying on the inside.

I look to my left and see the guy sitting next to me has a blonde buzz cut and crooked nose. "Hi there" he smiles at me.

"Hi" I shyly say. I hear the guy on my right 'aww', what's so bloody cute you idiot. 

"Well don't just ignore me beautiful" a husky voice chuckles from behind me.

I turn to see a guy around the same age as the others, probably 23 or 24 with a ginger mop of hair. He gives me a crooked smile from his freckled face and I offer him a smile and say "Oh sorry didn't see you there". I don't have forking vision in the back of my head.

"Well I'm Carson" the freckled guy points at himself, he then points to the guy with coal black hair and says "This fucker is Ricky". He then points to the guy with the blonde buzz cut and says "And last and most definitely least this is Max"

"Well nice to meet you guys, sorry if I'm in your area or something Chase just said to wait in here. Oh and I'm Aubrey by the way." I mumble quickly.

"Sorry boss is being a real dick this morning with the amount of work he's assigning, but we finally broke free for a little bit" a guy with dark skin and dark hair says walking in with pale short guy with black glasses next to him.

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