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Angel Montoya
The drive to Long Beach was kind of long because of the traffic and because Vinnie tried a "shortcut" which was actually longer. I only figured out that we were going to Long Beach because he took his phone away from me to put the direction on maps.

We are in a parking lot, i'm actually just waiting for him because he needed to get something before we went wherever he planned.

"Okay, let's go." He put his hand on my waist and pulled me a bit to start walking and let me go after a few seconds. "You don't mind water right"

"I dont but if we're eating here then i'd like to inform you that i don't enjoy seafood or the scent."

"No see food. Noted." We continued walking until we got to a little building with people around.

"Why are we at shoreline?" I questioned. There is plenty of stuff to do but i'm not sure why he brought me here. "Are we going sailing? Is that why you asked about the water?"

He shook his head, "No sailing. Come on" I followed him everywhere he walked, passing by people and places until we reached a deck with a fence blocking the ends. The fences were filled with locks, walking more closer to them the locks were more noticeable. They had names of couples.

"What are we doing here?" I asked with a lock in my hand. 'Kate + Drew' it had a heard drawn on it too. "Are we just looking at locks or?" I observed some other locks then turned to Vinnie who was holding a lock in his hand and just staring at me. "Did you unlock someone's? V that's kind of messed up couples come here to lock their love."

I grabbed the lock and turned it. No names. "I didn't unlock someone's." He stated quietly, "That one's new." I looked at him with confusion all over my face. "I brought it."

"For... me and you?" He nodded and took out a black sharpie. "But we aren't dating?"

"And? There's no rule for this." He's right, i grabbed the sharpie and wrote an A. "Write your initials." I did, i put A.M then handed the lock and marker to Vinnie. I saw him write a plus sign under where i wrote and add a V.H under the plus sign.

"Are we locked together now?" I looked into his eyes and smiled when i saw him smiling already. "Let me see it." I got it back and drew two hearts, one on the upper left corner and the other on the lower right corner.

"We are locking it in." He got it from me and drew hearts on the other two corners then closed the marker and put it in his pocket. He then took his phone out and took a picture of the lock with me in the background. Instead of paying attention to him i turned to the water and leaned on the fencing. "A" He called "Toss these when i'm done." When he grabbed my hand he put something in it.

We decided on a secluded space for the lock and i let him lock it on the fence. When it was put in its place i took my phone out and took pictures of where our initials are. "Where do i throw them?" It was the keys from the lock.

"Anywhere." I threw them into the water and he started laughing. "I don't think you can throw them in there but go off." I chuckled.

"I'm hungry." And with that we went to a nearby restaurant and ate.
We walked around the village for a few hours, maybe 2? He's dragging me into the aquarium now, i know this because he mentioned something about seeing jellyfish. He said something about the sucker fish sucking the attitude out of me because i got mad at him for kicking me so i called him ugly and annoying.

As we walked into the building we had to pay so i tried but he beat me to it and paid for both of us. "Stop doing that." I flicked his arm, "You've paid all day you need to let me pay for something."

"Okay, buy me popcorn." I happily walked over to a snack stand and bought him a bag of the cheese n jalapeño popcorn with a big water for the both of us. When i got back to him he had a big smile on his face and reached for the popcorn.

"Here Vincent." I gave it to him and he opened it all fast and ate one, "Can we go look at the animals now?" He nodded, we walked further in and he was talking to me about which animals he likes and i was telling about the last time i went to an aquarium.

We stopped walking in an area where there was big tanks and fish swimming on our sides all around. Vinnie was resting his back on the railing with his hands around my neck, resting on my chest. This way he was holding me close to him. It was darker in this area so we couldn't see much of anything except the tanks.

"Thank you." I rested my head on his chest and shoulder and looked up at him. "For planning everything and spending the day with me." He placed a kiss on my lips and smiled.

"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself but the days not over Angel." I widened my eyes at him and he smirked. "There's still more." He kissed me again.

When we were done he tricked me into letting him buy souvenirs from the gift shop, i told him the penguin plush was cute and he got it from me then sent me to look at the shirts. And while i was looking he bought the penguin for me and a seal for himself.

"Let's go?" He creeped up behind me, handing me my penguin. "Before they tell us to put these back." He pointed at the penguin and seal.

"What the fuck do you mean?" I furrowed my brows and he let out a laugh.

"Kidding i bought them, now lets go." He showed me the receipt and led me out into the public again. "Damn you took so long kissing me that it's dark out already." I gasped

"I was kissing you?If i recall correctly you were the one who didn't let me keep walking because 'one more' headass." I rolled my eyes "So dont try blaming me if your plans go wrong"

"Believe me nothing will go wrong."

"Your ego is too big, Vin." He laughed softly. He had explained to me earlier that the next thing was scheduled for 9:15 so we would have to pass time doing other things so we decided on going into stores.

We went from being in the forever 21 to running to the swan boat rental place. He lost track of time, my fault, which resulted in us having to run to be on time. He was told if we weren't on time it would be cancelled.

The whole renting process was short we just had to sign a paper and pay and we got our swan. The swans were so cute and lovey. There was also a building with a heart so that set a love mood too.

"Look at us. on time." I spoke and he just grabbed my hand staying quiet. "The line at forever was long so don't blame me for that either."

Quiet again.

"Hey... you okay?" He nodded but still wasn't looking at me. "Don't do that. You need to communicate Vinnie, i don't know what to say if you don't speak." He looked at me this time.

Quiet again but hey he's looking at me.

"You distanced yourself for days and it made me overthink a lot, question this." I started "But i'm still here, with you. Ignoring those thoughts i had, but if you don't speak then it'll get harder to ignore that so please just communicate Vin."

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

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