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Angel Montoya
It's cloudy outside today, i love it. I love the rain and the cold. I love being out with this weather.

Today feels different and it's not only because i'm mad at Vinnie but it's just weird. After the photoshoot from a few weeks ago he was being weird, not in a "cheating" way but in a way that's making me overthink. He doesn't reply as much anymore, he doesn't call it's always me.

And i'm not saying for him to text me or call every second of the day but i'd prefer that over how he's been. Then he has the audacity to ask me to come over and stay the night, as if he deserves it. I mean that's where i'm going now but not because he deserves it. Like he does reply and his replies aren't dry but it's still off.

Im not mad because he doesn't reply as much, i'm mad because i care that he doesn't respond, i'm mad because i have feelings for him and they're strong enough to make me overthink a lot, i'm also mad because i don't know how he feels.

Now here i am, pulling up into his driveway on a Sunday afternoon. After parking i got out of the car and walked to the door, bringing my phone out at the same time so i can call him. I texted instead and he just replied with 'i'll be there in a sec', he didn't lie though cause he opened the door right away and greeted me with a hug and a kiss.

"Hey i missed you." he spoke softly into my ear. i just replied with 'mhm' which he didn't like because he hugged me tighter. "Mhm what? Weird ass say it back."

"But what if i didn't miss you?" Of course i missed you V. I started laughing at how hard he's hugging me. "Okay, okay i missed you too." He finally let go with a smile on his face and let me walk inside, him following me. "Where's everyone?"

No one was in the living room or kitchen, "Just out, i have no idea where but they'll be back later." He got ahold of my hand and walked with me to the kitchen, "Me and you have plans tomorrow."

"I have some school work to do tomorrow." He shook his head "What do you mean no? I have to." i chuckled.

"You can't, it'll ruin my plans and that's just mean."

"And what are your plans Vinnie?" He shook his head so i rolled my eyes.

"Making your eyes roll for a different reason." He smirked and pulled me closer to him. "Do you want that?" He was kissing my neck and talking in my ear, "You want me to make your eyes roll?" My heart was beating so fast and loud im sure he heard it. "You're all flustered and shit, i bet you do want that."

"And if i do? Sometimes you're all talk so you probably won't do this either." I finally spoke and he chuckled but still kissed my neck.

"You're right. I won't." He let me go, leaving me in shock.

The night went by quickly, we spent the rest of the day talking, watching movies and in the pool with some of the guys. We went to sleep kind of late because i couldn't really sleep so Vinnie stayed up with me until i fell asleep. He even took me outside on the roof to talk more.

Now he is rushing me so we can go through with his plans, which he still has not told me about. I thought he wanted to stay in but no he has actual plans that are outdoors.

My focus was on checking if my outfit looks good that i didn't see or notice Vinnie standing at the door of his bathroom just staring at me. "You look pretty, your outfit is perfect. We should start heading out cause of traffic." I looked at him through the mirror and smiled before nodding and walking out.

"Okay lets go." He wasted no time in getting his stuff and leading me out into a car parked in the driveway. He handed me his phone right when he turned the car on. "What? Music?"

"Yeah play whatever you want." i went on his music and when i went to his playlists he had one named 'heavenly'.

"You made a new playlist?" I clicked on it and the first song was As the World Caves In so i pressed play. "Why is it heavenly?" i turned to him while looking at the rest of the songs.

"What?" He turned to me and looked at his phone before looking on the road again, "Oh... umm what does your middle name mean?"

"Heave- wait you named a playlist after me? Well after the meaning of my middle name?" He nodded and i smiled, "It's filled with love songs, is all that manifesting finally working?"

"Oh most definitely." He chuckled "It's not just love songs but songs that remind me of you or that you like, i made it a couple days ago but forgot to send it to you."

"Why heavenly though, could've put am or a or i don't know."

"You don't want whatever's going on between us public just yet so if i put A it would've been obvious same with your initials so i went for the next best thing right now, the meaning." I felt my face heat up a bit so i turned to the window. "Angel." He called and made me look at him, in a gentle way.

And as the earth runs to the ground

My eyes were set on his and his on mine, i was taking in the hazel color of his eyes.

Oh, girl, it's you that i lie with

In this moment it felt like there was no one around us. He is the only thing i could focus on, not even the fact that we were on the street stopped at a stop sign can change how this feels.

As the atom bomb locks in

Vinnie's face was getting closer by the second until his lips landed on mine.

Oh, it's you i watch TV with

Nothing in the world can make me feel as good as i feel when i'm with him.

As the world, as the world caves

We both pulled away a little and he rested his head on my chin.

Oh, it's you that i lie with

We stayed like this for a couple seconds until a car started honking which made him pick his head up and place a quick kiss on my forehead before driving again

Yes, it's you I welcome death with

I had now turned my body to face him and was just admiring him with the music in the background.

As the world, as the world caves in

He has the most beautiful smile. He has the prettiest hazel eyes.

Please God don't let this ever end.

As the world caves in

A/n: Hiii :)

The First Time (vinnie hacker)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora