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*The second book is out! It's called The Last Time you can find it if you click my profile! *

Angel Montoya

Santa Barbara

When i was younger i'd go with my family to Santa Barbara for their work trips or whatever else they had here and i've loved it since the first time i came. I always told myself i'd live here and going to school here gave me that opportunity.

I'm so obsessed with my backyard, there's lights on the fence surrounding my property, there's a small golf course on the side, a small back house for storage and the space is huge. The backyard also has patio chairs with a fireplace, an ocean view, there's a tv mounted to the wall. My parents informed me that they built this house for me when they found out i wanted to go to school here, i guess they felt bad about not being as supportive with my career choice.

I also found out they started building it during the summer before my junior year of high school, my dads team built it and my moms decorated it inside and outside. The house is so modern and nice, i just love it.

"What the fuck are you gonna do with five rooms on your own?" Payton asked as we took a seat on the patio chairs.

"One is yours" She opened her mouth, surprised at what i just told her. "Unless you don't want it?"

"No! I do! Can i choose it?" I slowly nodded and watched as she got up and ran inside. I got up and followed but didn't have the energy to run after her.  "This one!" I heard her yell from a room so i went in there. She's in the room to the left of mine, it's the smallest room but the only other one with the ocean view. This room wasn't right next to mine because my bathroom and closets are between them.

"The view?" I asked and she nodded, "You don't want a bigger one?"

"No i love this one"

"Okay then it's yours" She smiled, "Just don't do anything too crazy in here"

"I was just gonna paint everything and get a water bed" She joked, "Kidding i like how it is already"

It is my first official day in this house, i didn't want to be alone so i asked my parents if Payton could stay with me for today, i'd take her back tomorrow and she's coming back in mid June to stay for over a week with me. I promised her we'd go explore the city if she stayed so that's why she's coming along.

"Do you wanna go to the beach? Or anywhere?" I offered, not wanting to spend all day indoors. "I also need to go to the market cause there's nothing here"

"Yeah let me just put on a sweater it's so windy outside"

"Well the beach is behind us so i'd think it's windy right?" She rolled her eyes and got a sweater. "I'm gonna get my bag i'll be outside in two minutes" I walked to my room, grabbed my stuff and walked to the car i used to always use.


"I wish we were still in New York" My parents paid for a New York trip for me, Payton, Amelie, and Rylie after i graduated. Mateos girlfriend, Valerie couldn't go because she had finals but we went the week after i graduated and i honestly had a good time other than crying a lot at night.

"Me too Pay" I think being nearly 3,000 miles away from home was good for me, there was no chances of running into anyone i was avoiding, there was a semi fresh start for me, i met some new people, i explored New York.

We were walking on the sand of the beach just getting some air, none of us wanted to go in the water but we both agreed it was a nice day to go walk on the beach. "We should go again" I nodded, getting lost in my mind.

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