Chapter 26

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Audra woke up to find Dylan crouched in front of her staring at her with narrowed eyes and an odd smile. She scrunched her face and leaned away, she wasn’t someone who liked to be woken up even if she was tied to a chair. She was especially upset because that was most likely her last chance to see Jack for a while.

“Good morning, Sunshine.” He teased as he backed away from her and moved towards a bathtub filled with water. She just looked over at Castiel to see if there were any other injuries he might have gotten from Dylan while she was asleep. From what she could see there were no other injuries that weren’t there before.

“Let her go.” Castiel mumbled out to the best of his ability causing Dylan to chuckle as if he had told a joke.

“I can’t do that, I need her to get the attention of her father that way he’ll make me a god.”

“He won’t make you a god, especially just because you have me.” Audra tried to reason with him but it was no use.

“Of course he will. He needs you to fulfill the prophecy and until he comes to his senses we’re gonna have a bit of fun.” Dylan walked forward with a pocket knife and began to cut the duct tape that kept her in the chair. She didn’t have the energy to get away from the not eating and dehydration making her easier for him to control.

He lifted her arm over his shoulder and dragged her towards the tub before stopping at the edge. He turned her around to face him and gave her a smile before pushing backwards into the tub. She gasped in shock from the cold water causing her lungs to fill with water and her to panic. She struggled as she felt hands pushing her down, she scratched and reached out trying to grab something solid to pull herself out of the water.

Dylan pulled her out of the water to let her catch her breath for a few seconds before he pushed her back under. She tried to hold on to what little air she had, her head began to pound and her eyes were getting heavy. She could hear shouting but it was faint and the words were gurgled. Her eyes drifted shut and her heart slowed down, she felt everything around her slow down. She just wanted to sleep.

She thought about her friends back in camp and how she wouldn’t be able to say goodbye; she thought about her parents and how they screwed her up. She thought about the boys wondering if her dying would affect them, she wondered what would happen to Cas. The last person to cross her mind was Jack. Memories flashed before her eyes:


“I’m Jack.” He said holding out his hand, “What’s your name?” he asked curiously. The young woman hesitantly brought her hand to his before shaking it. She could see that his shirt was ripped but saw no blood making her very wary.

“I’m Audra.”


“This is where you’ll be staying.” He said as he opened the door for her, she smiled at him and walked in to get a good look at it.

“Thank you, I really appreciate this.” She said with a light pink tint to her face causing her to turn her head away from him so he doesn’t see. He smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

“It’s not a problem, you did the same for us when you brought us to camp.”


“It smells good.”

“Thank you, it’s actually done.” She said as she put plates full of food on the tables, she heard the familiar tune of Everybody Talks causing her to turn it up and start to dance to the music. Jack chuckled at her actions as he shook his head, Audra noticed him laughing and grabbed his hands pulling him out of his chair.

“No no no, I don’t dance.” He said shaking his head as he tried to sit back down.

“Come on, please?” She asked giving him her puppy eyes, he looked at her and sighed as he nodded his head causing her to smile.


“You’re beautiful.” Jack said randomly as he looked at her, she blushed a bright red and looked down at her feet silently. It was an unusual reaction causing her to become very confused as to why she felt this way, Jack was messing with her head and she didn’t know how she felt about that.

“Thank you.” She said quietly before she looked up at him and smiled slightly, Jack grinned innocently before he looked away with his face turning a light pink.


“I’m perfectly fine and I’m going on that hunt.” Jack exclaimed, glaring at the young demigod, Audra became angry as well. 

“No, Jack. You’re not and I’m sure they agree with me.” She said, causing both of them to turn to the older men and the men froze not knowing what to do. They stammered and tried to come up with an excuse for them to leave but they eventually gave up and shrugged their shoulders, Audra growled before turning back towards Jack.

“I’m going Audra and you can’t stop me.”


“What’s wrong?” asked the young woman.

“I want the first time I kiss you to be in person and not in a dream.” He said softly. She smiled at him before it quickly dropped and she closed her eyes causing him to worriedly. “What’s wrong?”

“I’m waking up.”


Her eyes snapped open and she felt electricity flow through her veins, her hands glowed brightly causing her to grab the hands that held her down. Dylan yelled in pain as he pulled his hands out of the water letting go of the young demigod. 

Audra sat up out of the water and screamed, blowing out the lights which sent sparks flying. Dylan ducked out of the way and Cas turned his head away from the sparks. Audra pulled herself out of the tub and glared at the other demigod, shivering slightly but stood her ground. Dylan stood up and began to laugh at her.

“That was a cute trick.” He stepped forward to grab her but she pushed her hands in front of her sending a lightning bolt straight into his chest sending him to the ground.

Audra didn’t kill him. She knew that by the way his chest raised and fell. She limped over to Cas and grabbed the bolt cutters that Dylan had left on a table. She cut Cas down and helped him up the stairs, it was a struggle but she managed. 

They were in a small house from what she could see and she pushed them forward and stumbled onto the street. People looked at them funny but didn’t help and just kept walking. They walked for a while and every so often Audra would purposely knock into someone. Stealing wallets, spare change and whatever else she could grab without them noticing. Soon they came across a motel and Audra sat Cas on the bench that sat by the door before stepping to the counter.

“I’d like a room with two beds please.” 

A/N: Sorry for such a long wait but I hope you enjoy!!

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