Chapter 28

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Audra had went out to get something for her to eat knowing that Cas doesn't need to eat and can heal rather quickly. She did her best to clean herself up before leaving the motel room so that people wouldn't stare as she shopped.

On her way back, Audra thought about all that had happened and wondered if she should've stayed at camp. Hell, she wondered if she should've gone into work that day. But the more that she thought about it she was glad that she went to work, she had met the Winchesters and they were like family to her. She was very grateful for meeting Jack, they had grown closer and became best friends but Audra knew her feelings for Jack were more then just platonic. Jack made her feel a way that she had never felt before, it scared and excited her at the same time, as crazy as it sounded she would have done everything all over again if it meant that she would meet Jack again.

Audra had entered the motel room without looking up. She closed the door behind her as she talked to Cas.

"Hey, I know you don't eat or anything but I thought that we could do something to --" She finally looked up and froze when she saw that Cas wasn't alone. She couldn't believe he was here, she didn't know how they found them but she didn't care. He was here.


A/N: Alright, it's super short but I'm trying to update more. School has been a little rough but hopefully I'll be able to update more. I hope you liked it!

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