Chapter 7

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They all walked through the entrance but only the Winchesters and the nephlim seemed to feel a strange feeling as they walked through. They told Audra the feeling that that they felt and she explained that it was simply because they weren't demigods and the camp didn't usually have mortals enter.

"How many demigods stay here?" Sam asked as they walked through the camp, they passed a few demigods that greeted Audra and Percy but gave the other three odd looks. Children laughed, talked, and trained as they passed.

"It depends on the demigod, some are here during the summer or they're here all year round." Audra said simply as she smiled and waved at some of the younger demigods. They waved back in excitment and chased each other around giggling as they did. Jack watched the interaction and smiled slightly at the young woman before Dean claimed her attention.

"What do you mean all year round?" He asked confused, Audra sighed as she came to a stop with Percy standing next to her.

"Sometimes kids stay here all year to keep their family safe, the more powerful the godly parent the more danger they are in. However, some kids stay here because they have no where else to go. Whether it's because the mortal parent did or they were abandoned they always find their way here." She explained.

"Well not always but we do our best to help any demigod we come across." Percy spoke up, the Winhesters and the nephlim shared a look of confusion but before any of them could question the young demigods they were cut off by a young woman running  and jumping into Percy's arms. The two demigods instantly spun around and laughed as Audra stood off to the side smiling brightly.

"Seaweed Brain, I missed you!" The mysterious woman exclaimed.

"I missed you too, Wise Girl." Percy said as he chuckled.

"What am I chopped liver?" Audra scoffed playfully, causing the other woman to turn and hug her tighter then she did Percy. The three laughed oblivious to the three men staring at them more confused then they were before. Dean cleared his throat catching the young woman's attention.

"Who are they?" She asked eyeing them catiously.

"This is Sam, Dean, and Jack. I had to take them somewhere safe." Audra said before giving the other woman a look telling her that she would explain later the woman nodded understanding, Audra turned back to the other three. "This is Annabeth, she's one of our greatest warriors and strategist in the camp." Audra said gesturing towards the young woman.

"She's also my girlfriend." Percy spoke up as he threw an arm over the girl's shoulder, Jack's eyes brightened up at the mention of that. It meant that Audra wasn't dating Percy and he didn't know but that made him happy, Audra glanced at the other two demigods and smiled at their romance.

"Audra, glad to see you're back." A voice said from behind the group, they all turned to see a man who was half horse on the lower part of his body. The demigods smiled at the sight of their old friend. "Who might these men be?" He asked looking past them at the other three. Audra sighed and explained everything again but in a different language confusing the three men. The centaur nodded and turned back to the rest of the group, glancing over them for a moment before his eyes rested on Audra again. Audra got the message and turned towards the group.

"Percy and Annabeth will show you guys around, I'll meet up with you at Percy's cabin." She said leaving no room for argument, the other two demigods nodded as the started to lead the three men in the opposite direction. Audra watched them walk away for a moment before she walked away too, but if she had stayed and watched just a moment longer she would have seen Jack turn back to watch her leave as well.

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