Chapter 25

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Sam and Dean's eyes widen in shock when they see Luke. He looked an awful lot like their brother Adam, they felt a sting of guilt at the thought of him but they had to remain focused on their task. Jack paid no mind to the brothers as he and Aphrodite questioned the demigod.

“A demigod is missing and we think you might know something about it.” Aphrodite said causing Luke to chuckle.

“I’m dead. How would I know anything about it?” He stared at the group as if they were stupid. He wasn’t wrong but it was the only reason that made sense.

“You weren’t working alone to steal the lightning bolt, were you?” Luke shrugged his shoulders with a smug smile causing Jack to grow angry. Jack lunged forward and grabbed the front of Luke’s shirt, shoving him against the wall. The other three made a sound of surprise but made no effort to stop him.

“My soulmate is missing and I’m running out of patience. Who were you working with?” Jack snapped as his eyes glowed brightly, startling Luke. 

“Fine, I’ll tell you. Just let me go.” Luke said as he shoved Jack’s hands away. Jack backed away a few steps but was still close enough to grab him if needed. The Winchesters stared in shock at the news they had just received. They knew that Jack and Audra had feelings for each other, it was obvious, but they didn’t expect the two young adults to be soulmates.

“Who was it, Luke?” The goddess asked with a serious expression. Audra was one of her favorite demigods and she was a part of a very important prophecy, if she were to die before it was completed the world would be doomed.

“My brother helped me steal the bolt but he did it for a different reason. I wanted my father to notice me but he wants something else that even I thought was crazy.” He explained.

“What did he want?” Sam asked as he took a step forward closer to the demigod. Luke glanced over at the tall hunter.

“He wants to be a god.”


Audra sat at the table in the kitchen of the bunker looking through a book of lore that could help the boys with their hunt. She suddenly stopped and looked around, something felt off.

“Audra?” She spun around to find Jack standing not too far, she stood up and threw her arms around him.

“Jack! Please tell me that this isn’t a dream.” She pleaded as she pulled away to see his face. She placed her hands on his face and tears started to well up in her eyes.

“It’s a dream but I’m looking for you and I won’t stop until I find you. I promise.” Jack assured her as he grabbed her hands, keeping them close to him. He didn’t want to let her go afraid that she would disappear if he let go.

“I know who took me his name is --”

“Dylan. I know Luke told us.”

Audra froze at the familiar name and stepped away. Luke had been one of her best friends up until he had betrayed them, it had hurt her the most. Jack noticed her reaction and was confused, he assumed that they would know each other seeing as they went to the same camp. He didn’t know why she reacted the way she did.

“You talked to Luke?” She asked, “How?”

“We went to the Underworld and asked Luke about who he was working with.” The nephilim explained to the demigod, Audra took a deep breath and glanced away to find that the scenery had changed.

They were no longer in the bunker instead they were in Camp Half-Blood. Jack watched as she looked around in awe, he knew that she missed her home and that wherever she was made her miss it more.

“I met this guy named Castiel.” Audra said randomly causing Jack to inhale sharply and Audra looked at him oddly.

“Cas is my friend and he hasn’t been answering our calls. I guess that would explain it.” Jack said as he ran his hand through his hair worrying about the angel who was like a father to him. “Is he okay?”

“He’s okay as he can be with our situation.” Audra sighed, she felt horrible that he was taking all the torture while nothing has been done to her. She knew that it was her fault that Cas was locked up and being tortured, if she had just stayed at the camp and sent the boys on their way.

“We’ll save you and Cas. I promise.” Jack reassured her again as he held her face and placed his forehead against hers. She leaned forward to kiss him but he stopped her causing her to look at him curiously.

“What’s wrong?” asked the young woman.

“I want the first time I kiss you to be in person and not in a dream.” He said softly. She smiled at him before it quickly dropped and she closed her eyes causing him to look at her worriedly. “What’s wrong?”

“I’m waking up.” She told him as she opened her eyes and tears welled up. Jack quickly shushed her as she began to cry. It was unlike her to be so emotional but she didn’t know when she would be able to see him or the other boys again.

“We’ll find you, Audra. I promise you and I will not stop until I find you.” Jack rushed out trying to hold back tears of his own. She started to fade in and out before disappearing completely. Jack felt the warmth of her skin fade away, the smell of her honey scented shampoo lingered behind and her sparkly green eyes disappeared as well as her strawberry blonde hair.

Jack fell to his knees as tears streamed down his face, he felt as if he had been punched in the chest. He felt like he couldn’t breath and someone’s hand was closing around his throat. He needed to find Audra and Cas fast. Cas was a father figure to him and he cared for him. Audra was his soulmate and his other half, without either of them he didn’t feel complete.

Jack felt a liquid drop from his lip to the ground causing him to raise his hand to his nose. When he pulled his hand away he saw the blood that ran from his nose; his illness, whatever it was, was getting worse. He was afraid that he wasn’t going to find them in time. He was going to do everything in his power to make sure that it wouldn’t happen.

A/N: I haven't updated in a while and I know that it isn't one of my longer chapters but, I will try my best to do it more often but school has been kicking my butt. I have a Peter Pan fanfic in the works and I don't know if I should post anything yet. Comment and let me know what you think!

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