Chapter 5

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Audra swung her sword in the air and landed a harsh blow, knocking the fury to the ground before it rolled over and made eye contact with Audra. They both stood there for a moment waiting for the other to make the first move, Audra risked a glance towards the three males silently pleading for them to leave. The fury realized her weakness causing it to turn and charge toward the two mortals and nephlim. Audra ran and jumped on the fury's back before she plunged her sword into the neck of the monster, it slumped towards the ground before it disappeared into gold dust.

She panted as she stood up straight and sighed, the three males didn't say anything as they stared at her in amazement. Dean was the first to break the silence.

"What the hell was that?" He asked, she took her hair out of the ponytail as she rolled her eyes.

"It was a fury and now I really have to go, bye." She quickly turned around and walked away swiftly, the nephilm was the first to move. Sam tried to stop him but Jack simply brushed him off.

"Wait! Where are you going?" Jack called after her causing her to stop and turn her head slightly enough to make eye contact with him, she quickly turned her head forward with a small smile before she sighed knowing that she was most likely going to regret what she was about to do.

"Somewhere safe, you coming?" The young woman called back, a huge smile grew on Jack's face as he quickly nodded before he turned to the brothers with a hopeful gleam in his eyes. The Winchesters looked at each for a moment before turning back towards the young nephlim and demigod, they finally nodded causing Jack's eyes to brighten.


They all went stopped at the motel for the boys to grab their things before going to Audra's apartment, when they walked in the boys were amazed by her apartment to see that was nothing like they had expected. It looked like cliche apartment, they were expecting weapons to be lying about or at least old books that held important books about the monster that demigods fought. Like they did at the bunker, but then again the Men of Letters were around for a very long time and hiding in one spot.

"Lets go." Audra said breaking them out of their trance, they turned to see her in a black hoodie, ripped blue jeans and black converse. Her hair was in a ponytail and she had a backpack by her feet, they nodded and they all quickly left. As they piled into the impala and set off down the road with Audra giving Dean directions on where to go she paused for a moment.

"Dean, how much do you love this car?" She asked seriously, the boys turned to look at her oddly before she recieved an answer.

"This is my baby." Dean said just as seriously causing her to sigh and shake her head.

"Well then I guess we're gonna have to take a detour real quick." She said before giving Dean directions to take a left, she recieved more odd looks but he did as he was told. They drove for five more minutes before she told him to stop, she ushered everyone out and grabbed her bag causing the boys to do the same. She quickly walked up to a door to one of the houses and knocked, the door swung open and revealed an older woman.

"Audra! How have you been, sweetheart?" She exclaimed as she hugged the young demigod tightly, Audra smiled as she answered.

"I've been better, Ms. Jackson. Is Percy here? It's important." She said as she clutched the straps of her bag tightly, Ms. Jackson nodded and let the four in.

"He's upstairs in his room, dear. Who are these men?" Ms. Jackson turned to face the Winchesters and young nephlim with a curious look on her face, Audra hesitated for a moment not quite sure on how to answer.

"They're friends and I'm bringing them somewhere safe." She finally said causing Ms. Jackson's face to turn serious understanding what she meant, the boys became confused wondering where Audra was take them. Jack especially wanted to know who Percy was, Jack didn't know why but he didn't like the idea of Audra with someone else.

Audra quickly went upstairs leaving them downstairs not sure what to do. Sam awkwardly cleared his throat looking away, Dean made flirty comments, and Jack just stood there waiting for Audra to return. They all turned around when they heard voices come closer, Audra returned but with a boy who appeared to be the same age.

"These the three you were talking about?" The unknown male asked Audra, she nodded and introduced the men to each other. It turned out that the unknown boy was Percy and he was somehow going to help, Jack was reluctant to shake Percy's hand but he didn't want Audra to think he was rude.
"So, what can I help you with?" Percy asked turning to Audra, they all did for that matter.

"We need to borrrow your car." She said bluntly and immediately Percy shook his head causing her to huff in annoyance.

"No way, what the Hades do you need my car for?" He asked, she explained what happened in the alley behind Benny's. Percy listened silently before he nodded and turned around towards his room. Audra sighed and shook her head before she gave Ms. Jackson a small smile, they said goodbye and walked out back towards the impala.

"Well looks like we'll have to either leave this here or risk it getting stolen." She said in defeat, Dean looked at her in panic at the thought of his baby getting stolen.

"Stolen?" He repeated in disbelief causing Audra to nod.

"Or damaged considering where we're going." She said confidently, Dean looked like he was going to hyperventilate before they heard a door open. They all turned to find Percy walking out with a backpack over his shoulder as he jogged over towards them.

"Come on you didn't think I'd let you go like that, did you?"

You And Me (Jack Kline Love Story) [On Hold]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora