Chapter 15

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The cab doors opened and the four squished themselves into the back seat, after they had quickly put their bags into the trunk. It was the Gray Sisters and they were already arguing over only Zeus knows what, they stopped for a moment to greet them before Audra turned to the three men.

"Do you have a safe place we can stay?" She asked causing the sisters to turn to the men as well and startle them as they realized the sisters had no eyes.

"Uh, Lebanon, Kansas." Sam said awkwardly as he leaned back a little farther from the sisters, they turned back and started to drive. The three hunters panicked slightly making Audra laugh lightly, they looked her weirdly as she talked to the sisters.

"How have you been, ladies?" She asked casually.

"Same as always." One sister said.

"Driving ungrateful brats around." The second sister added.

"They don't behave as well as you, dear." The last sister mused causing the young demigod to giggle at the thought of her being the most well behaved, she just had manners.

"Where's your eye?" Audra asked leaning forward slightly so she wasn't crushed between Jack and Sam, Jack watched as she interacted to the sisters as if this was completely normal. Although to her it most likely was, he liked how she didn't treat the sisters differently because of what they looked like and how she gave him and the Winchesters a safe place to stay even though she didn't know them. He wondered how she would react if he told her about his father but before he could ponder the thought any longer he was frighten out of his thoughts when an eyeball landed in his lap causing him to shout.

"What the hell?!" He yelled, Audra gently picked up the eye out of his lap trying not to laugh at his reaction before she handed it to the sister in the middle.

"Thank you, sweetheart." She said as she turned around before shouting for Tempest to split which confused the three hunters, the cab split in half making them panic as they went around a tree. When the cab was put back together the three hunters looked frighten and Audra looked like she was having a blast, the Gray Sisters started arguing over the eye and one of them hit the Hyper Speed button.

It threw them back against the seats and the sisters kept arguing but eventually the cab came to a stop and the doors flew open causing them to stumble out. Audra handed Tempest paid them the right amount before saying her goodbyes, she turned and saw that the three hunters were hunched over groaning. She laughed walked over to them and patted Jack on the shoulder.

"You alright, boys?" She asked still laughing making the boys give her a look causing her to laugh a little harder.

"Let's go." Sam said as he took a deep breath and stood up straight, the boys following his actions, the four of them made their way down the street slowly as Audra still giggled every so often. They made their way into a diner and sat down as they looked over the menu. The boys had a lot of questions for Audra.

A/N: Sorry I took so long and that this is a short chapter, to be honest I kinda forgot about it. I'll work on posting more often and updating on a regular basis. I hope you enjoyed!!!

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