Chapter 13

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When the sun rised the next morning the hunters all got ready and walked out hoping to explore some more of the camp. Sam and Dean began to walk away from the cabin but Jack stopped at the bottom of the steps and looked back debating on if he should wait for Audra.

"Jack, what are you doing?" Sam asked as he noticed that Jack stopped, Dean stopped and looked at the two puzzled.

"I think I'm gonna wait for Audra." Jack said before turning around and walking towards the door before a group of people ran by chattering with excitment, the three caught only a few words but the ones they did catch worried them.

"I can't believe she is going against three people!" One exclaimed.

"I bet Audra is gonna lose." Another said.

"She'll win for sure! She's been training for years!" A younger demigod said as they paased by. The three looked at each other with wide eyes before they ran off in the same direction as the group went. When they arrived Audra and three other demigods were in the middle of the crowd, the three pushed their way to the front to see what was going on. They were surprised to see that Audra was winning greatly despite the odds, she didn't seem to notice the crowd that had formed around her.

One of the three demigods swung for her legs causing her to jump and flip over him, he went to turn around but he was to slow. She kicked him in the back sending him to the ground, winded, she ducked as another demigod swung for her head. She rolled away and quickly got to her feet before she swung high catching his sword and kneeing him in the stomach. He too was knocked down causing Audra to shift her attention to the last one only to have to jump back as he swung for her midsection, she quickly fixed her footing and switched to defense. She swung hard and fast causing him to stumble back trying to keep up only for her to swing her sword in a circular motion knocking the sword out of his hands leaving him defenseless. Everyone cheered, some demigods congratulated Audra, as she said her goodbyes and walked over to the three hunters. The three stood there in shock of what they had just witness, they had seen her fight but had never seen her train before.

"What did you guys think?" She asked as she wipped away sweat from her forehead and that seemed to knock them out of their trance like states.

"That was amazing." Sam spoke first.

"You were great, kid." Dean said giving her a pat on the shoulder, Jack went to speak but was interupted by a voice. They all turned to see two boys who looked very much alike, Jack narrowed his eyes at the two as they stood on both sides of Audra.

"That was fantastic, Audra!" One exclaimed as the other messed up her hair.

"Thanks," Audra said laughing pushing his hands away, "Boys this is Sam, Dean and Jack they're hunters. Guys this is Travis and Connor Stoll, they're the sons of Hermes." She introduced as they all said their greetings and shook hands, the twins turned to speak to Audra before they were interupted by a bell ringing throughout the camp. The three demigods guided the hunters to the Dinning Hall where the twins broke off to sit with the rest of their siblings, Audra lead them to a table confusing them as to why the four of them had the entire table to theirselves. They were going to question it before suddenly their plates were filled with food, startling them.

"What the hell?" Dean asked leaning away.

"It's magic," Audra laughed slightly, "Whatever food or drink that you think of, that you want, appears in front of you." She said before taking a bite of mac and cheese, Dean looked at his plate when suddenly there was pie and beer in front of him. Sam sighed and rubbed his hands against his face not really surprised, Audra chuckled before glancing at Jack only to blush slightly when she saw that he was already looking at her.

"Why are some of the tables empty like this?" Sam asked causing Audra to look away from Jack to see what he meant.

"The Big Three: Zeus, Poseidon and Hades all swore on River Styx to not have kids, which obviously didn't work out. I have two other siblings, Percy is the son of Poseidon and Nico is the son of Hades. Hera is the Goddess of marriage and fertility, she doesn't have any demigod kids, but it would be disrespectful if she wasn't represented as well." Audra explained before she took a sip of her lemonade, the three nodded and obviously had more questions but before they could the ground shook underneath them sending everyone into a panic. The four quickly got up to see what was going on and ran into Percy, Annabeth and Grover.

"What in the Hades is going on?" Audra asked but she could tell by the look on their faces that she probably didn't want to know, but she didn't have a choice. Things seemed to only be getting worse.

A/N: Hey everyone!!! I thought that for my birthday I'd write a longer chapter!! I hope you all enjoy and let me know what you think!! The Peter Pan story will be posted soon!!!

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