Chapter 10

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As the night went on most of the younger demigods went to their cabins to sleep while the older ones sat around the bonfire talking amongst themselves, Audra sat on a tree stump watching everyone smile and laugh with each other. Jack sat next to her and smiled, he wasn't quite sure what to say to her, she returned the smile and turned to look at the fire. She made him nervous and it wasn't a bad feeling, at least he didn't think so.

"What do you think about the camp?" Audra asked not turning away from the fire.

"It's amazing, I can't believe you grew up here." He said with a smile causing Audra to smile but it didn't reach her eyes. Jack looked at her concerned and opened his mouth to ask her what was wrong but he was cut off before he had the chance.

"Alright everyone, it's time to get some rest." Chiron announced as he clapped his hands together, the demigods gathered their things and made their way to their cabins as the three hunters stood there not sure where to go. Audra stopped in front of them and gestured for them to follow her, the followed her to the biggest cabin in camp causing their mouths to drop open in awe. She chuckled and walked inside, with the boys following slowly inside, she opened the door and walked in the living room to set down some of her books before she turned around to face the boys.

"What do you think?" She asked.

"What is this?" Jack asked as he turned to see everything, she laughed at him and shook her head.

"Every god or goddess has a cabin for their children to stay in whenever their at camp." She explained, the boys nodded but they weren't paying much attention as they look around.

"Whose cabin is this?" Dean asked as he looked through a book, Audra shifted and scratched the back of her neck before she answered.

"Uh Zeus' cabin." Causing the hunters to freeze, they slowly turned to face her as her face turned red.

"This is Zeus' cabin?" Sam asked as he ran his hand through his hair, she nodded and grabbed her bag off the floor.

"Come on I'll show you where you're gonna be sleeping." She said as she changed the subject, the boys grabbed their bags as well and followed her through the cabin.

A/N: This is just a filler but I hope you enjoyed it anway!

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