Chapter 20

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Jack woke up and realized that the movie was still playing, he leaned over to close the laptop before he noticed that it seemed to be a bit difficult. He looked down and saw that Audra was alseep on his chest, he stopped to admire her for a few moments before he closed the laptop and tried his best to get in a comfortable postion without waking up the sleeping demigod.

He finally just laid there looking up at the ceiling deep in thought about what has happen for the past few days, it was all crazy but in a way he was glad that it happened. He made a new friend because of it, he glanced down at Audra again as he thought about it. Does she consider him a friend? What if she doesn't and she is annoyed that she had to leave her friends behind back at camp?

Audra shifted in her sleep as if she could tell that Jack was doubting himself. She cuddled more into Jack's chest causing his heart to flutter and he liked that feeling, but he didn't know if she felt the same. He didn't want to tell her in fear of rejection and he didn't want to lose the friendship that he had developed with her. His eyes started to become sluggish and he closed his eyes, slipping into a peaceful sleep.

Jack was standing in the bunker alone and confused, he looked around wondering why he would dream about him standing here. He heard footsteps enter the room and he quickly turned to face the person, he was confused when he saw a woman he has never seen before.

"Hello, Jack," she said, "I am Aphrodite." His eyes widen and he stumbles over his words.

"Hello, what's going on?" He managed to ask, he wasn't quite sure what to do. He nervously played with his hands as he wondered why the goddess was here.

"Don't be shy, sit." The goddess gestured to the chair across from her as she sat down herself, Jack quickly sat down not wanting to make her angry.

Jack sat there awkwardly as Aphrodite watched him squirm for a few moments before she looked away and a tea set appeared on the table. The goddess poured herself a cup tea before she offered some to Jack, he said no afraid that he might accidently spill it all over himself. They sat there again for a few moments in silence, Jack became fustrated with the goddess as he realized that she ignored his question.

"What's going on?" He repeated more sternly, the goddess looked over at him with an eyebrow and Jack immediately regretted opening his mouth. Aphrodite smiled slightly in amusement and set down her cup.

"I'm here to talk to you about Audra." She said as she folded her hands in her lap, Jack began to sweat and he sunk further into his seat.

"What about her?" He said nervously.

"I know how you feel about her and your doubts." She said bluntly.

Jack froze and suddenly remembered that she was the goddess of love so it would be pointless to try to deny it, Jack just sat there and he nodded stiffly. She smiled kindly and reached over to grab his hands, he looked at her not sure what to do.

"She is my friend and I don't want to ruin that because of these weird feelings that I might have for her." He said quietly as he looked away from her and pulled his hands away, there was no way he would ruin their friendship.

"I can tell that she feels the same way, but she has a hard time letting herself be happy. She always puts others first." Aphrodite said with a soft smile as she thought about the young demigod, Jack turned towards the goddess in surprise of the confession.

Jack sat there quietly as he thought about what Aphrodite said about Audra, he was happy to hear that she felt the same. He understood why Audra was afraid to be happy, he saw some of the danger she had to face everyday and he himself faced similar things, he didn't want to let that stop him and he didn't want that to stop her. He couldn't make her admit her feelings and choose to be with him, he knew that, he didn't want to force her. He wanted her to accept all of this on her own and he would wait however long that took.

"I'll make sure that she is happy and I'll take care of her." He stated as he looked at the goddes, Aphrodite smiled and nodded.

"I don't doubt it, but it's time for me to go," she said as she stood up, "good luck."  Jack sat there and smiled.

Audra felt the same way.

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