Chapter 16

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Once the four of them had ordered the boys turned to Audra ready to bombard her with questions, but they paused not knowing where to start. They sat in an awkward silence for a few moments until the food arrived and after another moment Sam spoke up.

"What are we suppose to do now?"

"We lay low and I try not to bring attention to myself seeing as monsters can track me to a certain point." Audra replied instantly, she ate a few fries before she was questioned again.

"What happened back at camp?" Dean asked.

"Thalia's tree was poisoned and the barrier that keeps the camp safe is failing." 

"Who is Thalia?" Jack asked leaning forward causing Audra to freeze and glance between the three hunters before she took a deep breath.

"Thalia was my sister and when she passed away our dad turned her into a tree to protect everyone because it's something she died doing." Audra said quietly not making eye contact with anyone at the table, the hunters looked at each other feeling pity for the young demigod. She caught the looks that they sent each other and put a stop to it. "Stop with those looks; Percy, Annabeth and Grover are going to save her. Percy even has a brother named Tyson who is going to help them."

"Percy has a brother?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, a half brother. Tyson's mother is a cyclops so he only has one eye but they are using a mist that creates an illusion that he has two eyes." The boys looked at her in confusion before deciding to not question it, they all stood up after they paid and made their way out of the diner. As they opened the door Dean stopped in his tracks causing everyone else to stop as well.

"Where is Baby?" He asked grimly afraid of what happened to his prize possesion.

"Don't worry I have a friend who took care of it." Audra said pointing towards the parking lot making the boys turn and they were surprised to see that the impala was sitting there as if it had been there the entire time. Dean rushed forward and started whispering sweet nothings to the machine causing the other three to snicker behind him but he paid them no mind.

"Let's get this show on the road." Sam said as he clapped his hands together before opening the door for Audra to get in the back with Jack following after her. Dean started the impala and Metallica played from the speakers causing Dean to grin like he won the lottery.

Audra leaned back in amusement before she turned to look out the window to watch the scenery pass by, she didn't notice that Jacked watched her with a small smile on his face.

A/N: Sorry it's short chapter but I promise I'll do my best to make the next chapter longer. I hope you enjoyed it and let me know what you think!!!

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