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"It is of the time when mortals weren't even born. It is of a time when only gods and monsters existed. It is of the time when I was a goddess..." She trailed off as she put out the fire in the hearth until all the light in the room was gone.

Only her red evil eyes glowed in the dark before golden light started to emit from her hands. She held her hands beneath her face, making her face glow in the dark before she continued, "I was known as Ivana, the goddess of Order,"

As she spoke, the golden light slowly rose from her hands and formed a figure of a beautiful woman over her head. The woman slowly twirled around and smiled at me.

"I sought Order in Chaos. I oversaw the peace between the gods and the monsters," As my mother spoke, her voice started changing. It started sounding softer and more benevolent. For a moment, it seemed like all her evil was gone. She sounded like an entirely different person as she continued, "I was one of the seven goddesses who gave birth to the first mortals,"

The woman above her head smiled as she gently ran her hand over her swollen stomach before she twirled again. This time when she turned around, she was holding a human baby in her arms. I looked with awe at the woman as she played with the baby in her arms. Soon, she had more babies in her arms. They slowly turned into toddlers and then into children.

"My children were responsible for the same. They brought order between other mortals. They ensured peace among each other," As my mother recited, those children grew up and started playing among each other.

"I taught my children to see good in evil and evil in good. I taught them the importance of both. I taught them how to use both for the growth of their kind. My children were the strongest amongst others," As she recited, the children turned into adults who went to wars and, in some cases, stopped some of them from happening.

"Aklios was one of my sons. I loved him the most," The golden lights instantly formed into a man as she continued, "He was the strongest of my children. He reigned the mortals at darkest and uncertain times," The man was now in a war filed, killing the enemies mercilessly.

"Soon the time came when mortals were plagued by greed. It didn't take long until they turn against each other but children were able to see past it. They resisted it but everyone was already affected. It was everyone else against my children. Aklios being powerful, killed everyone. His hands were soon stained with the blood of his own kind," The man was now kneeling on the ground as he looked at his blood-stained hands and threw his head back and screamed.

"The loss was too much." Her voice broke as she recited, "It affected everyone, especially, us mothers," Her voice started to waved as she continued. Ivana appeared over her head again. This time, she looked miserable and sad.

"The mother goddesses were angry at me because after all, it was one of my children who had taken the life of their children," Ivana was now surrounded by other goddesses who now looked angrily down at her. Ivana was now crying while she was on her knees.

"They didn't think twice before taking my powers away and cursing me to be born again and again and being hated by the same mortals whom I had brought into existence and helped them flourish,"

The goddess now changed into different forms. Sometimes a monster, sometimes a wild animal feasting on innocent mortals.

"This is my last life and this is my most feared form," She said as Ivana slowly changed into Psaltisi. "I don't think anything could be eviler than a mother who birthed her child and abandoned her, only to abduct her years later to sacrifice her for her own greed," She spoke very meekly, looking very sad and disappointed.

I was very much moved by this. I didn't notice the tears streaming down my cheek. I could have never thought that there could be a reason this deep behind what she was doing. I could have never thought that I was birthed by an ancient goddess. The evil enchantress was just her outer side- a mere personality in which was trapped.

"Is there any way I could help you escape this?" I asked her. At this, her eyes lit up.

"You really want to help me?" She asked me with surprise and wide eyes.

"Of course," I told her.

"If you really want to help me then get me free from this enchantress' body."

"How can I do that?" I asked her, still being careful.

"Carve my heart out of this body. Cut it in half. Burn the left side of the heart and burry the right side. This should do," She told me as she wept. Meanwhile, I watched her still in a trance of shock. I was at a loss for words.

The lights again started to drain in through the windows, washing away the darkness. She slowly stopped crying and looked around in bewilderment. I wiped my tears away in a hurry and tried to look as if she wasn't telling me the tale of an ancient goddess.

"What happened?" She asked me. The red in her eyes was back. She was again the evil enchantress. I shrugged in response while she eyed me suspiciously.

"I think I am feeling the pain in my chest again," I told her before I went to lay down in the bed, "Thanks for the food though. It was great!"

She gave me a lingering look before she went about doing her work. The rest of the day I watched her do things around the place. Meanwhile, I started devising a plan in my head to free Ivana.

While Psaltisi was gone in the town to get me more food in the evening, I searched through her belongings again. This time I knew what I was looking for- something sharp and pointy.

I then found a perfect place to bury her heart. I dug it deep enough before covering it to hide it from her. She returned soon and watched me eat before I went to sleep again.

I kept tossing and turning in the bed the whole night. Meanwhile, Psaltisi had disappeared in the night again. I tried my best not to think about what she was up to because I knew it would only give me nightmares. I was having trouble sleeping anyway.

I just couldn't sleep after what she had told me and also because I was missing Ares. I wondered what he was doing without me. My heart ached to see him again.

I couldn't wait to free Ivana before I would finally get to return to him. I was finally starting to see some hope in the future.


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