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She rose and calmly walked out of the room we were in. I followed her but she told me to stop outside what appeared to be the temple kitchen. She appeared from the kitchen with a goblet shortly after.

"Here," She handed it to me. I looked into it to find water. A frown instantly climbed on my face but before I could say anything, she added, "Give this to her,"

I decided to not waste any time questioning her and rushed straight out of the temple and to the woods. I pumped my legs faster when I got into the woods. I wanted to reach home as soon as possible.

She was still passed out when I entered the house. The place reeked of her intoxicating scent, teasing my senses but her survival was my main priority.

"I am here, Arsinoe," I announced to her even though I doubted she was in her senses to hear me. I sat on my bed and propped her up so that she was supported by my body.

Then I placed the goblet against her lips before tilting it slightly for the water to enter her mouth. After pouring a small amount in her mouth, I put the goblet away and tilted her head so that she could swallow it. There was still a huge chance of the water travelling to her lungs instead so I took my time to make sure that she swallowed it.

The small contraction in her throat muscles were enough for me to know that she had in fact swallowed it. I constantly called her name and talked to her in the hopes that she'd wake up while I gave her the water slowly and gradually.

After the goblet was empty, I placed it away and waited for something to happen but it had no effect on her. At one point, I was starting to question if that water was going to help her at all. If anything, her body temperature rose even more.

I stayed up all night, putting wet clothes over her, holding her and talking to her, hoping to see her green eyes looking at me again. I and my wolf were growing anxious. If anything happened to her then wouldn't be able to live with the guilt that I couldn't help my mate.

Slowly, morning sun greeted the realm. She still remained motionless in my arms. Her temperature remained the same and her heartbeats week.

"I am sorry," I had been chanting all night along with her name. I had never felt so helpless and vulnerable. I never wanted to feel like this again in the future.

Her body heat slowly started to wear off later in the morning but I continued to put wet clothes over her. I contemplated going back to Hecate to get that special water again but at the same time my wolf was very reluctant to leave her side.

It was around noon when her body temperature was back to normal and her heartbeats sounded strong. Her chest was rising and falling visibly as she breathed. I was somewhat relieved but I still didn't want to leave her side.

I tried calling her again but she didn't respond. Meanwhile, I put the wet clothes away. Her hair was a mess so I went upstairs and found the comb. I gently combed her long hair, getting lost at the silky and beautiful red colour of her long hair. I had dreamed countless times running my fingers through her hair. This moment would have been more memorable had she been awake.

After some time, I decided to take a bath myself before going back to attending her. It was around afternoon when she started to stir.

"Arsinoe," I gently called for her and she whimpered in response. Her eyes were closed but judging by the look decorating on her face, it seemed to me that she was in pain.

"Arsinoe, can you hear me?" I asked her as I ran my fingers through her hair. Another whimper left her lips before her eyes fluttered open slightly. She seemed to have grown very weak due to the heat. Her green eyes looked at me for a slight second before they were shut again.

"Are you in pain, Arsinoe?" I continued to ask her gently while I messaged her scalp. She sighed deeply, enjoying it, so I continued messaging her head. She soon fell in a deep sleep. I watched her for some time before I did some work around the house.

I didn't go to the mine today and I didn't think I'd be going tomorrow. I didn't want to leave her alone like that. When the night dawned upon the realm, I realized that I hadn't slept for the past couple of days. I was somewhat feeling tired myself and wanted to rest.

I laid in my bed with her in my arms. She remained unresponsive mostly but now and then she'd move a bit. Her movements were weak. I reminded myself to feed her tomorrow.

I felt a strange sense of satisfaction wash over me as I looked down at her in my arms. This had been the closest I had ever gotten to her and that too because of her heat. She always had a thick and tall wall surrounding her but now, laying in my arms, she was at her most vulnerable.

My wolf always felt very protective of her. I let him take over me so that he could have some moments with her that he had been craving so much. He watched her sleep fervently. Now and then, I'd bury my nose in her hair and take in her intoxicating scent.

It was the first time I got to look at her closely. She was more beautiful up close. Her facial features seemed to be carved out of stone by a very skilled sculptor. Light freckles decorated the bridge of her nose and the top of her cheeks.

She had beautiful deer-like eyes framed with thick dark eyelashes. They were currently closed. Her red, plump lips were slightly parted. They had been the subject of my dreams for so many nights. I had imagined kissing her countless times but I didn't think she'd let me taste her anytime soon after she wakes up. Her walls would be back, higher than ever when she'd find me closer.

She generally seemed to be a very closed off person. It certainly had to do with her rough past but I felt this natural curiosity for her. I wanted to know more about her, maybe have long, deep conversation with her someday... if she ever felt like talking to me.

I'd also like to know what she thought of me and about being mated to me. I knew that she didn't have a good impression of me because I hadn't treated her well before. I was going through one of the toughest times in my life and I was very confused.

I still am, but I want to preserve the things that I am currently left with. My relationship with her is one of my major priorities currently.

Although I couldn't help but constantly remind myself that she may not want the same things as me. I'd have to be fine with that. I'd have to be very patient with her.


read up to chapter 70 on patreon. the link is in my bio.

the next 6 chapters are available on Inkitt. 

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