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Guys, if I were to take part in an Author's Q&A session with Inkitt, which questions would you like me to answer? Comment and let me know!


Grim silence danced in the courtroom while terror and surprise consumed everyone. All the air left my body as the goddess's words sank in.

The Bastard Princess.

I thought that those were some legends amongst the mortals.

"You mean to say she is real?" I asked, perplexed. The smile slipped off the goddess' lips before she answered, "As real as she could be,"

"I still don't get it. Who is she really and what does she have to do with the Ptolemies?" The king inquired. Silence followed his words.

The goddess watched us warily. Her red eyes communicating the disappointment that we had gifted her. She raised her hands before golden sand surged out of her fingers and collected before her.

It slowly took the shape of a woman, who very closely resembled my mate. Several gasps were heard as terror climbed on people's faces. The name that rolled out of the goddess' lips next confirmed people's doubts.

"Psaltisi Erasmia, the infamous enchantress went into the pursuit of power to Alexandria when Ptolemy (XII) Auletes ascended to the throne. She was successful enough to catch the pharaoh's attention and charm him with her beauty but his council and people were too suspicious to fall into that enchantress' charm,"

As the goddess narrated, the sand moved around the lively figure of Psaltisi. Her red hair and the way her lips curved into a sly smile... all were familiar to us, though not because of her but because of my mate.

"The Enchantress' eyes were on the throne but Auletes already had been married to his sister, Trypahena. To guarantee the throne, Psaltisi gave birth to a child. It was her and Auletes' daughter but that poor thing couldn't strengthen Psaltisi's chances of getting the throne. Instead, it backfired and Psaltisi had to leave before they could catch her,"

Psaltisi's figure moved as Inanna further narrated, "Psaltisi fled from Alexandria, leaving behind the child," Psaltisi's body sunk into the ground with the sand before a small girl rose from the debriefs. She was around five and was the miniature version of Psaltisi, bearing the same green eyes and red hair.

My eyes widened as soon as I realized who that girl is.

"At first, the Ptolemies didn't know what to do with that thing but Trypahena had a plan. She had been insulted over and over by the enchantress but the enchantress wasn't there anymore... but she did leave someone behind to pay the price,"

I watched with horror as Tryphaena stepped in front of the small girl before she clutched her red hair roughly and brought her to her feet. A blood-curling scream pierced the air as Tryphaena pressed a hot iron rod, which bore their emblem, at the back of her neck. It was done to mark their slaves.

My eyes watered as I saw the small girl struggle and cry for help but no one came. My wolf was very much agitated inside me. He wanted to leap at the figures and save the small girl even though we knew that she couldn't be saved anymore.

"Psaltisi (II) Ersamia Arsione (IV) was taken as the royal's personal slave. She grew up in shadows, watching, learning and serving Trypahnea and her daughter, Cleopatra,"

The sand moved around those figures before the girl grew up a bit more and Trypahena was replaced by very young Cleopatra holding a sword and shield. The latter swung the sword at a defenceless Arsinoe, who dodged and ducked from Cleopatra's blows. Though Arsinoe was soon put down with a single strong blow straight to the head by Cleopatra's shield.

The Bastard PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now