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The gods could only watch as the wolf prince again painted the mortal realm with blood and chaos. Cries of mercy of those innocent mortals rose higher in the sky but the gods couldn't do anything this time.

They have already taken away most of his godly powers but still, he was capable of so much destruction. If anything, it only surprised and scared them because that very prince was going to reign the wolves in the next few years. They couldn't help but imagine what he'd do then.

Arles was a tyrant but his son... he was the epitome of chaos and destruction. He had the blood of the lonely god and the fire of a hybrid. He was unstoppable.

Something had to be done otherwise the prince would wipe away all their creation.

They didn't have any choice but to approach the two deities who brought him into existence. So, they travelled to the land of wolves, Zaeris which was always covered under a thick blanket of snow. It was the very place the wolf prince was supposed to reign.

The courtroom was filled with ministers and all the important personalities. Upon the sudden arrival of the gods and goddesses who catered to the humanity, the courtroom froze with bewilderment and the room was suddenly drenched in silence.

At the front of the courtroom stood the huge statue of the moon goddess and on her feet were mounted three huge thrones. In the middle throne sat Arles and on his either sides, his queen and his second son.

"What's the matter?" Arles demanded upon seeing the troubled look on the gods and goddess' faces. At this, a god who provided shelter to the humans stepped in front and asked the king instead, "Do you not know what's happening in the mortal realm, your majesty?"

"No, I don't," The king snapped, instantly disliking the tone the god had used on him.

"Of course," Another goddess stepped in front as she glared at the king and spoke, "We shouldn't expect his majesty to know anything. After all, he never liked the mortals,"

Her words added fuel to the king's temper. Sensing the tension, the queen decided to interfere.

"We don't know what's happening in the mortal realm which could be of our concern. If there's anything like that then please enlighten us about it," The queen spoke politely, "And we will see what we can do about it,"

As soon as she was done speaking, another goddess hurriedly entered the courtroom. Everyone knew her. She was Hecate.

Seeing the terror on her face, the small crowd of gods and goddesses who had arrived earlier parted to let her get to the front of the courtroom and see the royalties.

"Arles," She breathed, "You have to do something," Pleaded the goddess.

"Hecate," The queen spoke. She was very moved seeing the goddess in such state and pleading to the king. She couldn't help but wonder what could have gone so wrong that she looked so troubled and seemed to be in a desperate need for help.

"What's the matter?" The queen asked next as she rose from her throne and descended down the stairs to stand in front of the troubled goddess. She was finding it hard to see her in such a pathetic state.

"It's your son, Nefret," The goddess cried, "He has gone in a killing rampage. He is destroying everything that they," Hecate pointed to the gods and goddess standing behind her, "have created and it's the second time he's doing that!"

At the goddess' words, the queen's eyes widened and everyone in the courtroom froze. For a moment Nefret couldn't believe that her son would do something like that but she proceeded to ask with shock painted on her face, "Has he lost his mind because we sent him to exile?"

"No," Hecate answered, "His mate has been missing and he's not going to stop until he finds her. Please... do something," She pleaded again.

"We're bringing him back," The queen announced instantly. It was followed by murmur among the crowd present at the courtroom until the king broke it as he countered, "No!"

"Why not?" The queen asked sharply as she turned around to face her king. Internally, she was very much pained and hurt to hear that her loving son would do something like that. She had missed him so much. She wanted to see him sooner and stop the destruction he was causing.

"The period of exile is not over yet," The king declared.

This raged the queen before she questioned the king back, "Then we let Ares stay there and let him destroy everything?"

The king clenched his jaw at this before he spoke back, "It's all because of that girl! I will not spare her when she comes back!" He growled his last words. It had such eeriness to it that it sent shivers down everyone's spine, except for Nefret's.

"Then find her if you can for my son's sake or bring my son back. I have had enough of the blind laws of this court and your foul prejudices!" The queen challenged the king. Everyone in the courtroom was stunned by the queen's words. Holding their breaths, they watched the royal pair. The air in the room buzzed with tension as silence once again took over the courtroom.

The king slowly rose from his throne before he climbed down the stairs and stepped beside the queen, facing the whole courtroom. Once again, Ares found himself succumbing to the wishes of his mate. In the end, he always did.

He needed to bring their son back for Nefret's sake otherwise the next choice that he might have to make would be between his mate and his kingdom.

His son was provided with the same choice once and it had created such havoc. He didn't want to find himself in the same paradox.

"I, the ruler of Zaeirs, declare in the front of the auspicious figurine of the moon goddess that the exile imposed upon the mate to the first heir of my throne is lifted!" Roared the king in the silent courtroom. It was followed by several gasps and a sudden burst of chatter among the crowd while some of them happily applauded.

The gods and goddesses who had approached the court for help rejoiced at that moment too.

While everyone was busy celebrating the new order, Arles turned to his queen and whispered, "I am going to bring our son back, Neffie,"


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