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I stared at the window high up in the wall in my small cell. The sunlight that managed to drain into the cell through that window was the only source of light in this small cell. I was submerged in the pool of my thoughts

I had given my words in front of the court. I had to do this. I had to prove myself. I had been finally given an opportunity to claim what's mine but... could I do this? Should I do this? If anything went wrong then the price that I'd have to pay would be my life.

I had been thinking about this ever since I had been put back in the cell after the court session. Now, everyone knew that I was here and Cleopatra had made sure to let me know that I was the lest wanted here. Though, I must admit that she had found a great way to get rid of me without staining her hands with my blood.

She has given me such a task which is almost impossible. How was I going to kill Nefret in the first place? Even if I managed to steal her soul and take her head, there was no one way I'd survive the dark portal. I had never been to the underworld and I never want to go there.

Also, how was I supposed to get into Zaeris? It was in an entirely different realm. Besides, it's the land of wolves. Those fierce creatures... I couldn't dare to imagine the things they'd do if I am ever caught by them. I am supposed to kill their queen, Nefret. She is the most powerful queen out there and she is Arles' mate, which is another strong reason one shouldn't think about putting a scratch on her body, yet, here I was, planning to assassinate her.

The more I thought about the wolves, the more I realized that the chances of me getting caught by them were really high. Cleopatra played her cards really well in this game. She made sure that even if I am caught, they wouldn't be able to tell that I am from the Ptolemy's. I am physically very different from the people of Alexandria. No one would ever get a hint of me being associated with the Ptolemy's. No one would also believe my words if I were to tell them. I would be executed right away on the charges of carrying out an assassination on their queen.

This way, Cleopatra would not only get rid of me but she would also manage to avoid any wars or clashes with the powerful wolves. My sister was surely very clever.

I sighed deeply, realizing that I would, either way, lose my life in this process. There was no way I could do this successfully and even if I managed to do it, Cleopatra would never take me back because the wolves would be after me, seeking revenge for killing their queen. The consequences would be even worse.

What did I get myself into?

I sank deeper and deeper into my pool of thoughts before I reached the deepest part where the ray of hopes doesn't reach. There, I was claimed by unconsciousness, drowning the world around me in obliviousness...

"I am ready!" I chirped, a huge grin decorating my lips. Chefren looked at me without any expression before he addressed his men. I sighed, letting the smile slip off my lips. Currently, I and a platoon of soldiers lead by Chefren were on our way to deal with some robbers who have been supposedly looting the villagers.

They were said to be fully armed and very dangerous. I had my hopes high because Chefren has chosen me to be a part of this mission. Maybe, he's slowly starting to get interested in me? If I managed to impress him with my skills then maybe he would give me a chance? I was very positive this time.

Also, it's been days since I last saw him. Last time when I saw him, he was in my hut, having his way with me... though, I doubt that he remembered doing anything with me. He was drunk that night and... it both pains and terrifies me whenever I think of that night but he must really love me to come to me, right?

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