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'You're chosen for this because no one would care if you die.' I kept repeating those words to myself again and again.

I had been surrounded by darkness for the past couple of days. I didn't know where I was but I knew for sure that I wasn't dead yet because I could hear people talking around me. It was as if I was in a jar which was placed somewhere in the corner of a room crowded with people.

I always tried to listen to what they were saying and tried to concentrate on their words but I couldn't make out a word. Everything was so incoherent to me at times that I was left to wonder if they were speaking gibberish to confuse me in the first place.

I had eventually lost count of the number of days I had been put there... whatever the place was. I remembered exactly when I felt the warmth of my own body. It seemed like I was alive again.

I found myself tied when I opened my eyes. Many tall figures wearing white cloaks surrounded me. I was in a windowless room, which was completely white and had a very high ceiling. I tried to move but I instantly stopped as soon my familiar name rolled out of a seemingly unfamiliar tongue, "Arsinoe,"

I was again united with the same cold grey eyes whose owner had looked after me while I was in prison. This time, they had lost all the warmth. The tall she-wolf stood tall beside me. Apart from her extreme tallness, it was her indifferent aura that made her seem distant.

"Celeste," Her name rolled out of my tongue of its own. The cold expression on her face remained unchanged as I asked, "How do you know my name?"

"We know everything about you now," She spoke grimly before I was being raised.

"Where I am being taken?" I gasped as soon as several guards stepped inside the room with shackles.

"You'll be put to the trial today,"

"But I-"

"I trusted you," She muttered lowly as she stepped behind me to put the shackles around my hands. Her words pinched at my heart.

"I am sorry, Celeste," I tried but the expression on her face remained unchanged. A sob threatened to escape my lips as I was being carried through the corridors. My heart thundered in my chest when the realization dawned upon me that I may be near my ending.

I recognized the way to the courtroom. I have been brought here so many times. Just before we could enter the court, I slightly turned to Celeste, "If this is the last time when I am seeing you then I want to tell you that you are strong and beautiful. I have never met anyone like you. While my time in prison, I have only admired you. I'll pray with my last breath that all your wishes are fulfilled," I drew out as much as I could in one breath.

Celeste's eyes considerably softened at this. We were about to enter the courtroom when I added, "Your secrets are safe with me,"

"We could have been friends hadn't you followed Cleopatra's orders," Were her last words to me before numerous pairs of eyes were looking down on me. I was being presented in front of the Royal couple. I deliberately ignored a certain pair of silver eyes that belonged to the prince who was seated just beside them.

"Psaltisi (II) Ersamia Arsinoe, you are here for the trial regarding your heinous act against the queen of Zaeris," One of the council members spoke.

I grounded my teeth before demanding, "How do you know my name?"

"We have our own ways," The council member spat at me, "You will be righteously punished for the havoc you have created in Zaeris,"

His words sent my heart racing but I kept my calm. I had this coming and I must accept this. I was aware of all the consequences but I still set out to kill the queen of wolves.

I had made my bed, now I must sleep in it.

"Did Cleopatra send you?" Demanded another council member. I gave him a hard stare before I spoke boldly, "I came here myself,"

A few murmurs followed my answer but they were silenced by the next question from the council member, "What was your intention behind coming here?"

"To steal Nefret's soul and deposit it in the dark-" A thundering growl interrupted me as it shook the ground beneath my feet. It belonged to the king.

"Execute her!" He gritted out with his murderous eyes trained on me.

"Your majesty, we cannot execute her. His highness has accepted her as his mate," At this, my eyes snapped to the prince's silver ones. A look of horror climbed on my face as soon as the council member's words made sense to me.

I was finding it hard to swallow that I had been paired with their prince. This couldn't be. I had been hurt and degraded by men all my life. Now, when I thought that I could escape from this miserable life, I was tied to another man to face the same fate.

What kind of game was destiny playing with me?

The prince seemed to be calm but the rage that simmered in his eyes reminded me of Chefren whenever I failed to fulfil his wishes. The way his jaw ticked and the way his body was tensed, it seemed like he would leap at me any moment and tear my body in shreds.

"Since his highness has accepted her as his mate, she is part of the royalty and hence she'd be trialed as such," The words of the council member pushed me further into dreed.

"Please, execute me!" I pleaded. I couldn't be a part of this. Arles was a tyrant. His son had to be worse than him. I couldn't put up with him. I was done fighting. I wanted to quit already. Living was too costly for me.

"According to our accords, you'll be banished for 13 mortal years," I breathed in relief but it was soon snatched away when the queen rose from her seat and added, "and since she is mate to Ares, he'll have to face the same consequence,"

Her words were followed by a growl from the prince before he questioned, "I am being banished just because I am paired with her?" Rage was clearly audible in his voice. I shivered in terror, imaging him advancing on me with the same rage.

"You chose her anyway," The king gritted. When the prince's raging silver eyes fell on me, a whimper almost escaped my lips. I hadn't been this scared before... not even of Chefren.


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