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Celeste found me in the library while I was busy searching for any information regarding mates of royals. I was in a grave dilemma. She eyed the books I was granting my attention to before muttering, "She is awake,"

I had to contain myself from running towards the prison as soon as those words fell out of her mouth. I nodded lightly, trying to be calm while internally I felt strange happiness and excitement. My wolf paced impatiently, mirroring my emotions.

"And?" I asked calmly, walking out of the library. It wouldn't be soon before father will find out about her. I needed to get to her before him.

My father wasn't very pleased with my mate. Not only my father but no one was pleased with what she did. I couldn't wait to find out about her. Even though I was still in denial, my wolf had already accepted her. If I let him then I am sure, he'd claim and mark her.

"I tried talking to her. She doesn't speak any mortal's languages," Celeste informed me. It made me raise an eyebrow at her. I nodded as we descended down to the prison. My wolf paced even more. He just wanted to see our mate.

He wasn't happy with the fact that I didn't claim her the first time I saw her. He also didn't like the fact that she was kept in prison.

She was our mate and supposed to be the next queen of Zaeris. The prison wasn't the right place for her. She was supposed to be beside us, closer to us. I patiently followed Celest towards the end of the dungeons, where my mate's prison was.

Her back was facing us when we finally reached her prison. Her silky, long red hair was spewed all over the place. It seemed to have grown even more since the last time I came down here. I couldn't see what she was doing but I knew that she felt my presence.

She sat up straight before peeking at us from above her shoulder. She tried to seem busy but I knew that my presence affected her because it affected me too. My hands ached to touch her. Her scent made my wolf even needier and impatient for her.

Why did she have to come into my life like this? Wasn't there any other way? I wanted to know why this was happening.

"Open the door," I commanded. Celeste gave me a pointed look, "Are you sure?" She asked and I nodded. As Celeste opened the door, I saw her freezing for a moment before she moved into the shadows of the prison but I was still able to see her.

Her back was still facing me. A shiver ran down her spine as she Celeste shut the door, locking me inside with her. As I stepped closer to her, I heard her racing heart. I was surrounded by her red hair.

She hissed when I unknowingly stepped on her hair before she tried to collect it as much as possible. Her back was still facing me. She looked at me over her shoulder momentarily before looking away. Her green eyes had flashed at me for mere seconds but I was quick to notice the fear in her eyes.

Was she scared of me? Well, she should be considering what she did but does she really think that I'd hurt her? Does she have any idea what she meant to me?

I wanted to ask her so many things but the only question that rolled out of my tongue was, "What's your name?" I asked sternly. I didn't want to sound too gentle because Celeste was there. She was already too suspicious because I was showing more interest in the prisoner than a royal ought to be.

My question was left hanging in the air. The silence stretched between us. Her body was tensed and she didn't move. She sat quietly in the corner like a mouse.

"Where did you come from?" I tried to talk to her in other languages but it had no effect on her. She did not say anything. I heard Celeste sigh behind me. I wanted to continue trying but I knew that showing so much interest wouldn't get me anywhere but under suspicious eyes.

"She didn't speak this time," Celeste commented when I stepped out of the prison. I stole one last look at her when Celeste was busy locking the door.

"We can call some witches and ask them to help us out. I am sure they could make something out of it," I offered and saw Celeste's eyes gleam with excitement.

"I'll talk to mother," She said. Kiara, Celeste's mother was a witch and she was the head of the witch coven of Zaeris. If anyone could do anything then I was sure I'd be her.

I froze when I saw father on his way towards the dungeons, where the prison was, while Celeste and I stepped out of there. He looked angry and I was sure that he was ready to hurt her if it was needed.

It made me groan internally. I'd hate to fight my own father over my mate. No matter how much I tried to deny or fight the bond, I couldn't stand seeing her getting hurt. But in this situation, my hands were tied. I was doing as much as I could without making anyone suspicious. Though, I was already anticipating some personal questions from Celeste.

"I heard she has awakened," My father grumbled as he saw me. I nodded, "She has but she doesn't seem to understand a word we say," This made him cock an eyebrow. I saw the determination in his eyes.

He was ready to kill her and I couldn't let that happen.

"Well, I am sure she would start speaking once I take things in my hands," He growled. It made me freeze at my place.

"Actually, I was going to call mother. I am sure she could make this easier for all of us," Celeste chose this moment to speak. Father nodded instantly as he understood what she meant.

"That'd do," He grumbled. I instantly knew I owed Celeste gratitude and a hell lot of explanations.


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Also available on Patreon: Caught, The Trident's Legacy

The next update is on Tuesday. Thanks for reading <3


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