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I was late for work. I felt all the miners' eyes on me as soon as I approached the mine but I deliberately ignored them and engaged with my work instantly.

I mostly worked at the mine right outside the village and earned from it. Sometimes when I'd be done with work here, I'd go around the village and do some other work. I was currently focusing on earning enough money to sustaining us both.

I also had plans to repair the house completely or even better- buy a new and better one. The current house was absolutely terrible. The only thing I loved about it was the huge lake beside it and the privacy that the woods provided with.

As I worked, some of the men stopped and stared at me before they'd walk away. I knew that they were surprised at my superhuman strength. Even though I was stripped off my powers, I still had all the basic powers that came with being a wolf and a hybrid.

As they watched me drag a heavy wagon, I could only wonder how they'd have reacted if I had all my powers. At this point, I am didn't try to hide my strength because it was the only thing that helped me earn more than all the men that worked here.

What was lacking in my physical training was met here. All the heavy lifting, dragging and moving easily replaced all the training I did back in Zaeris. It didn't have anything fancy or royal about it but it still helped me keep in shape, both physically and mentally.

I'd now and then hear some of the men talk about me in a hushed tone. Generally, a glare from me was enough for them to stop and walk away. They were smart enough to leave me alone because unconsciously they felt what was left of my power. My wolf could still dominate a bunch of mortal men. I was as powerful as a mortal Alpha.

I liked to see them wither away with fear occasionally. Even the owner of the mine felt my power unconsciously. The other day while taking my wage, I just had to raise my voice a bit before he was ready to give me everything. As much as I liked it, I tried not to use it often because I didn't want everything taken away from me.

I generally finished my work around dawn before heading back to the woods. On my way back, I had to cross a small village market. There, people would stare at me as well for my tall and wide build. I deliberately ignored them and walked straight to my destination but tonight, my eyes were wandering in the market.

I was unconsciously searching for something to take home... and give it to her as an apology? The thought itself felt so alien to me, I didn't know how to react to it.

I was still mad at her but my wolf was mad at me for talking so nastily to her last night. Her sobs were still ringing in my ears, making me feel guiltier.

Though, what really bothered me what was what she could possibly want. If I were going to give her something then it had to be something that she would use daily, otherwise, there was no meaning. She wouldn't either use it nor accept it.

I wandered in the small market for quite some time until I came across a small hut, outside which a very old woman was sitting. Before her, she had laid out what seemed like hairpins. She cowered as I stepped in front of her before picking one of the pins up.

I examined it closely. It was beautifully carved out of wood. I was surprised at the craft. I picked some more pins and examined their design. Meanwhile, the old woman looked at me anxiously.

"Did you make them?" I grumbled and she instantly bowed her in submission. She was visibly shaking. It was hard to tell if she had nodded.

"How much for three of these?" I inquired.

"Three shells," Her voice quivered. I nodded before handing her the money and pocketing those clips. I was about to head towards the woods when it struck me that it would probably be very awkward if I showed up with only the pins. I had to give her a few more things along with the pins.

When I left the market, I had a small jute bag with me which contained the pins, a wooden comb which was somewhat similar to the pins, a mirror and a shawl that she could use in the upcoming winter months. I also ended up buying some sweets for her to cheer her up. Although, I knew that there wasn't really anything cheerful about the life we were living.

I couldn't help myself. The more I thought about her, the more I spent on things that I thought she might like.

Even though I hardly earned anything, money wasn't an issue for me. I was ready to spend on her. The only thing that concerned me was if she was going to like the things that I had bought for her. If she didn't accept them then I wouldn't know what to do with those pins or shawl... or myself.

I had never been so anxious as I headed home. My heart started to race when I saw the lake. My eyes instantly found the house in the dark. I took some moments to collect my thoughts and school my features so that I didn't look like a mess when I enter the house. I was a true man and I wanted to appear as one in front of her.

When I reached the lake, I placed the bag away before I took a bath. I got very dirty and sweaty while working in the mine. I didn't want to look nasty in front of her. After I was done washing, I took out the small mirror that I had bought for her and looked at myself.

My hair and beard were growing all over the place. I regretted not spending some money on myself too. Appearance wasn't an issue for me until now. My wolf grunted at me while I felt somewhat self-conscious.

I decided to think about my face later. First, I needed to face her. After dressing, I went inside the house. Her scent was strong and fresh. It was enough for me to know that she was home, in her safe place.

I took a deep breath and cleared my throat before speaking loudly, "Arsinoe, I am home," When silence followed my words, I started to contemplate if my tone was too commanding or stern for the situation.

"And what do you want me to do about that?" She grumbled from upstairs before I could overthink myself into self-hatred.

"I bought some things that you might need," I spoke very clearly and confidently.

"Why? I am worthless. I am worth nothing. Why spend money on me?" I cringed when she quoted my words from last night. Hearing them from her made my wolf madder at me. I couldn't believe I had said those things to her.

"I want to give these to you and apologize for last night, Arsinoe," I told her from downstairs. I hated to not have repaired the ceiling. Otherwise, I could have climbed upstairs and talked to her face to face.

"Why don't you give them to someone else? Someone who has worth, someone who really means something to you," She spoke from upstairs. Her words brought my brows together as I stared at the ceiling in bewilderment.

"Arsinoe, I don't have anyone other than you,"


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Also available on Patreon: Caught, The Trident's Legacy, Javier (coming soon)

The next update is on Tuesday. Thanks for reading and stay safe! 

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