We're Starting Over

Start from the beginning

"K-Kai...?" I stutter. He turns around immediately. He looks surprised too.

"Elle. I didn't think it would work. You're here." He whispers, walking towards me. He puts his hands on my cheeks to bring my face closer to his, kissing me. I kiss him back of course.

"What do you mean?" I ask, pulling my face back from his. He runs his thumb back and forth over my cheek.

"Bonnie said she could get you here with me. This place," He waves his hand around, "is a prison world that Bonnie made especially for us. She knew Klaus would kill you. I didn't think it would work, but I'm glad it did."

Bonnie did this for me? For us? I'm tackling her in a hug as soon as I see her next.

"She made this for us?" I ask to clarify. Kai kisses my forehead and nods.

He guides me to sit down at the bar we have in the kitchen. He puts the food he made on a plate and sets it in front of me.

"She had originally put a a protection spell on us both. She figured out where we were somehow so that she could make sure we were safe. She needed to get us somewhere if we died, though, considering we would come back because of the spell. She also knew we needed some time together alone. She gave me an ascendant for when we want out of here. We should stay here for a little while, though. If Klaus finds out we're not actually dead, he'll find us one way or another and torture us to death. Again." Kai explains while he takes a seat next to me. All the while I'm just stuffing pancakes in my mouth.

"Did she tell you all of this...?" I ponder. Kai nods.

Flashback - KAI'S POV

"Elle. Over here. Elle." A voice whispers from behind me. I can barely keep my head up. The pain is still present even though it's been a few hours since Klaus did anything to me.

"E. I'm over here." The voice whispers again. It sounds familiar. I see Elle's eyes widen, and I see a figure come out from my right side.

Bonnie? What is she doing here?

"I am so sorry for not protecting you. Don't do the spell. Please don't do it." She whispers as she crouches down near Elle. I can see the tears shine off of Elle's face.

"They're going to kill Kai if I don't do the spell. I have to do it." She replies. Elle can't do the spell. It will ruin everything for every supernatural. I see Bonnie shake her head.

"I know a spell. I can save Kai. It isn't a protection spell, but he'll be safe. I promise. Just whatever you do, do not do the spell." Bonnie says. She can save me? I look down.

Yeah, I highly doubt that.

"I won't do the spell. But you have to promise me that whatever spell you do will work." Elle states. She realizes they'll kill her too, right?

"It will work." Bonnie's voice cracks.

"Bonnie." Elle warns. She looks like a mother who's scolding her child.

"It will work." Bonnie states firmly.

"Okay. Thank you. You need to go now." Elle whispers.

"Close your eyes." Bonnie states. Elle's eyebrows furrow in confusion, but she closes her eyes. Bonnie gives her a kiss on her forehead. Then, I see her run towards me.

She unties the vervained rope around my wrists and ankles. She grabs my arm and puts it around her shoulder. She makes sure to be quiet and leads me out of wherever we are. It's pitch black outside. She sets me down on the ground.

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