Chapter Twenty-six: The City of Party Freaks.

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As they got closer to the gates of Zhuba, they could see how huge the event was going to be. Valerie hoped that since the night was very dark, no one would notice their wet clothes and muddy appearance.

There were two guards with dangerous looking spears which were beautiful of course standing next to the most beautiful gates Valerie had ever seen. They were taking golden parchments from the elites that walked up to them.

Valerie and the others were at the back of the line and soon it was their turn.

"Chiiri" One of the guards said in a polite tone.

"Talk to him" Mayi murmured and nudged Valerie forward.

Suddenly the girl remembered she was still in a swimsuit!

"Um hi!" Valerie said with an awkward grin and a wave of her hand.

"Your invitation, please" the second guard said in the clipped but polite tone.

"Ahem" Valerie said, standing straighter so she looked as respectable as she could in a muddy swimsuit. "I do not have an invitation. Something really tragic happened to us on our way here but I hope this will suffice..."

She subtly pulled out the sapphire pendant of the necklace for the guard to see.

Immediately, their eyes widened.
"The Chosen one" they chorused and bowed deeply.

"Yes, yes" Valerie said, flipping her wet hair. "I am representing the King of Oscavia, I call him Artie, we're like this" She added, holding her palms together and they bowed again to Valerie's delight. "He couldn't attend as he is a busy man, even though Prince Bezema begged for his attendance."

"You are welcome, Chosen One" They said bowing down again.

Valerie grinned at the one with blonde hair and blue eyes for a while till Mayi nudged her again. "Introduce us"

"Oh yeah, these are my friends" Valerie said "and that's Tijan, I just know him because... stuff" she waved a hand dismissively in his direction.

"If I may ask, Chosen One, what happened to you that was tragic on your way?"

"Ummm...." Valerie said and trailed off. She didn't exactly think about an excuse for that.

"Well, there was a Pegasus of mine which I rode all the way except um.... it didn't get here to this place um...Zhuba, because it got stuck" she said and cleared her throat again.

"The Pegasus became stuck." The blonde guard said and exchanged a look with the one with brunette hair. "In the air"

"Pssht! Of course not, it got muck in the stud....I mean stuck in the mud...well, basically we had to do that thing....that you do when your Pegasus is stud in the muck" Valerie blabbered on, making a random demonstrations with her hands that she herself wasn't even sure of.

"Where is your Pegasus now....?"

"It died" Valerie cut in quickly and wiped a fake tear from her eye "it died because it had mudoithisis, I am sure strong, wise, beautiful men like you know what that is don't you?"

The both of them stood straighter. "Of course we know what mudi..mudiothisis is, Chosen One, please accept our sincerest apologies. We are at your service. Please do come in. We will send the officials to take you straight to the Prince!"

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