Chapter Thirteen: Piip Jump

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Chapter Thirteen: Piip Jump

"You finally mastered the art of twirling your paintbrush around your fingers?" Dansé asked as she watched Valerie stare hard at the weapons that were laid on a table once again.

"Yeah I practiced really hard all week and I think I finally got it" Valerie said excitedly.

"Wonderful! Say 'transappar' and reveal your own weapon!" Dansé said, on the verge of clapping her hands with joy.

"Here goes nothing" Valerie sighed and twirled her paintbrush around her fingers. It clattered to the floor immediately.

"Haha!" She heard Tijan call out from the corner of the room with pride in his voice. She had failed.

Try again. A small voice said in her head. You might get it right this time.

She took a deep breath and picked up the transparent brush. She twirled it around her fingers with success!

"Transappar!" Valerie breathed and a dark blue mist covered the entire paintbrush. With a gasp, she realized the mist was spreading out and her paintbrush was getting too heavy to be a paintbrush.

"Beautiful!" Dansé cried doing a little twirl in the air before setting her feet on the floor. "Your weapon is wonderful!"

Valerie blinked severally in awe at the items in her hands.

A dark blue bow and arrow.

She grinned and lifted it closer to her view, a dark blue bow and arrow was her weapon!

"This is the coolest day ever!" Valerie said, squealing. She raised the bow and arrow up as best as she could and turned around to aim it at Tijan.

"Hey douchebag!" She called, he didn't answer her.
"Douchebag!!" She called louder but he ignored her and she sighed "Tijan" she said.

"Yes?" He replied and looked up.

"You're dead" Valerie said and tried to shoot an arrow at him, but the it only went a few centimeters forward before landing on the glass floor.

Tijan went back to his sketching indifferently.

"Your stance is all the sorts of wrong combined" Dansé said in a sweet voice before coming over to pull and push at Valerie's arms, legs and fingers till she was standing in the right position.

"Straighten your back, raise your arms till the sight window is at eye level, move your feet apart, move your feet apart some more. I said straighten your back!"

Valerie wordlessly did what she was told, she wasn't sure where the obedience was coming from but she knew it would be less stressful for her to just agree with Dansé. She was the teacher after all.

"Go back to your regular position and do your attack position over again"

They were at it for a while but by the time Valerie finally got the stance perfectly on her own, it was Tijan's turn to train her and he did not look friendly.

"Oh no, I cannot watch" Blue said and went to hide next to Em.

Valerie gulped as Tijan got up from his seat on the floor and gestured for her to follow him. Together, they walked up to the huge round mat in the corner of the huge training room.

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