Chapter Seventeen: Giant Spiders, No Problem.

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"Die! You eight legged abomination!!" Valerie yelled as she swung her broomstick wildly, knocking down her mug of coffee in the process.

The spider scuttled around on the wall of Valerie's room, successfully dodging her broom attacks.

"Ugh come back here and let me kill you!" Valerie yelled swinging her broom and swiping at the arachnid.

But the poor thing probably didn't like that idea so it kept running.

Valerie managed to swipe at it and she knocked it off the wall. "Aha! Got you!" She beamed victoriously and did a little dance to celebrate. "Come on Blue, dance with me" she said to her Duanti.

"Nope" Blue replied, unimpressed as she read a magazine that was ten times her size and ate from a plate of fries. "And where is the spider you think you've killed?"

Valerie paused and looked around "it didn't die, did it?" She asked with a sigh.

"It crawled towards your bag over there" Blue said, pointing briefly. Valerie made to go and check but then her brain started feeling fuzzy.

The room was going in and out of focus as she held on to the edge of her bed post.

"Are you okay?" She heard Blue ask.

"Valerie.." a small voice called at the back of her mind. Her necklace glowed brightly.

"Sapphire?" Valerie muttered.

"Yes it's me you big doink!" Sapphire- the spirit in her pendant replied. "Come here now, it's life or death!"

Valerie groaned and blinked severally. When her mind finally cleared up, she was standing right next to an exact replica of herself in stark white nothingness.

"Where are we?" Valerie asked looking around "why is everything white?"

"Concentrate!" Sapphire said holding Valerie by the shoulders in a grip too firm.

"The Void is closing the portal into Oscavia..."

"What?!" Valerie exclaimed. "How...?"

"I do not know, but I know he's trying to lock you out so you cannot fulfil your quest to save the people of the light."

"Well...uh...what do I do...?! I don't...!"

"Pack a bag of essentials only and just go!"

"That's it?!" Valerie asked.

"Yes" Sapphire replied with a grave expression "say goodbye to your world for now, you may not return until your quest is fulfilled."

"What...oh my..." Valerie gasped and stuttered. The next thing she knew, she was back in her room.

Blue was hovering in front of her with a concerned expression. "What is wrong?"

Valerie blinked severally, before shaking her head "the portal...the Maorouka! The void is closing the portal into Oscavia..."

Blue gasped, not needing anymore information "we need to leave immediately!"

Valerie searched her messy room for the brown and gold book before placing it on her table wide open.

Valerie and the Legends of OscaviaWhere stories live. Discover now