Chapter Six: Wings?!

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When Valerie landed back on the hill with green grass where she last saw Prince Artemas and the others, it was evening, the sky was a blood orange and so was the setting sun.

There was a huge canopy there too, she had no idea why. It looked like a smaller version of a circus tent.

Valerie went to the edge of the hill. Well what she thought was a hill was actually a cliff and now that she wasn't on the verge of turning crazy (because she was in front of winged people), she took in the full view of the kingdom.

It was actually really huge and colorful, the houses were well spaced and she could even see their vegetation from way up here. Somewhere in the distance she could see huge buildings overlooking the expanse of land.

Valerie looked down and immediately stepped back from the edge of the cliff, it was steep and led the way into a dense forest below, she felt heavy once more, like she was holding extra weight that wasn't hers.

Everyone hates you. A small voice whispered in her ear out of the blue and immediately, her mind flashed back to how easily Nicole had told her.

Everyone hates you. The voice said, louder as if it was only testing if she could hear it the first time.

Her eyes were just about to start the waterworks when the flap of the tent flew open suddenly. Valerie looked up quickly and found a dark haired guy looking at her.

Immediately, her eyes went to find his wings. Yeah, she could not get over the fact that these people had wings.

His were a fiery red that looked like they could catch flames any second.

He called out something loud in Oscavian which Valerie couldn't understand of course and another guy came running out of the tent.

This one had snow white wings and hair so white it was impossible.

"Finally! You are arrived, I will fly to the palace and find the King!" He said and darted back into the tent.

Seconds later, he dashed outside and stretched out his white wings so they looked like they doubled in size.
He took off so hard that Valerie's hair whipped around her face and entered her eyes.

"Wow" she whispered in awe as she tucked her hair behind her ears "that was so cool!"

She turned around to keep her eyes on the red winged guy but her vision was blocked by another red object.

She stepped backwards so she could see what was hovering in front of her line of vision.

It was one of those Pikachu things again, what were they called? Oh yeah, Duantis.

"Hello, Chosen one!" The little,
red guy said enthusiastically, "so nice to finally meet you, what is your name? Well, I am Jags and that is my owner, Tijan! He is a guard to the King of Oscavia although he would very much like to have a promotion, but for now he works hard and...mmphmm!!"

"Jags!" The dark haired guy scowled, capturing his duanti in his palms before hissing something in another language to him.

Valerie chuckled, "hello Jags...and Tijan. I'm Valerie"

"We know your name" Tijan snapped, he was frowning at her and she wondered why.

"He just lied" Jags cut in.

"So you are the chosen one" Tijan said with distaste, his scrutinizing blue eyes scanning her features till she felt uncomfortable. He had ashen skin and smelled lightly of smoke, his dark hair was short and straight. The feathers of his fiery wings dragged on the floor as he took a slow walk around her.

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