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With a backpack on my shoulders, my hood hanging over my head, and worry hidden behind my eyes, I continue to push my group in front of me forward. We stealthily avoid branches and dead leaves on the grass beneath, escaping from the persecution which lies behind us.

Kei, Tobio, and Kiyoko have followed my orders and thus have kept their questions to themselves. Hopefully Levi and his squad are doing well on their own as they run in the other direction before meeting up together once we've made our way far enough into the forests.

An hour earlier, Erwin sent Levi a letter about the possible defamation the Military Police would do to the Survey Corps to push their own agenda. It's no question they want Eren and his titan abilities, along with who we know as Historia Reiss.

To be frank, I didn't know much about this girl until recently. However, it seems like she's an important asset to our cause so we'll have to take good care of her. Thankfully, Levi is dealing with those two on his own which gives me enough time to focus on my three soldiers. With all of this happening, it's good training experience for them and they'll be able to catch up with Levi's squad in no time.

Watching them learn before my eyes is a cathartic experience.

It reminds me of my old days when Levi was the one behind me, guiding my steps, correcting my placements, and watching me with care. I can almost feel his gaze on me as he analyzed every movement I made—maybe that's why I subconsciously watch behind me.

The moon is bright, but not enough to see any figures that weren't right in front of us.

A shiver runs down my back. The hairs on my body stand up right before I grab the backs of the shirts in front of me to the ground behind the bushes. They fall with a grunt. I respond with my pointer finger up to my lips, watching the reflection of my serious face from their eyes. With one knee on the floor, I lean onto the other leg which is resting normally on the floor at a ninety degree angle.

Kei adjusts his glasses in frustration, while Tobio looks over his shoulder in search of answers from me. I don't have any, but I don't need them. Instead, I signal to them with my hands what'll happen in this situation. They nod their head, remembering the different meanings we assigned to these gestures.

Moments later, the sounds of horses go by with the soft shouts between soldiers. In our huddle, all I can hear is our soft breathing. Moving in front of the three, I listen in to the voices discussing on the other side of these bushes.

"This is so stupid, who even knows where they went?"

"The King's orders are the King's orders and you know that."

"Of course I know that you idiot, I'm just saying I get why they'd want the titan, but I don't understand why they want a blonde teenager."

Another voice chimes in.

"Do you think the King has some sort of preference for young, blonde women?"

"Can't blame him, have you seen those girls? They're better when they're young and innocent."

I am taken aback from the blatant disrespect towards women and towards literal young girls. This simply cannot go without punishment, and they better hope the Gods above are on their side for what I'm about to do. My eyes dart to the group behind me before focusing on my first target. They continue talking amongst themselves, but I drown them out, focusing on my assault.

Letting out a deep breath, I inhale once more while adjusting the balance on my back ankle, preparing for a jump. Reaching into my pocket, I take hold on my trusty blade, fastening it to my waistband for easier access. Closing my eyes, I fall in tune with the winds which pass by peacefully. The rustling of the bushes and leaves create a rhythm for my attack which I add to by exposing myself to the group in front of me with a spring from the bushes.

Longing to Be Known | Levi Ackerman x OCWhere stories live. Discover now